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"Time!! Utilize it"..

'I know I am late. I know I shouldn't be revealing this now but I have to. I can't take all these burden in my heart,my love has built a castle for you alone in my life. I know you're surprised to see this but believe me when I say I LOVE YOU and I have always loved you right from day one. I know you think me calling you Little sister was just a charade but honestly,I meant it. I thought our love will begin after marriage. I thought our smile will grow wider then but my hopes were short lived. I was so foolish for not working towards all that on time. I wanted to give you your time. I wanted to let you fulfill your dreams but someone who was worth having you got you first. May Allah bless your Union,I pray these younger brother of mine takes care of my little sister for me. Mind you, you're a priceless Gem.' Fahma read the first page of the content of the white envelope in the gift bag Sadeed sent to her when she was home. She forgot to check the contents of the bag as she was told by Amrah. Luckily, she packed it in her luggage a day to her return to Abuja. She was busy going through a Tajweed piece when she remembered about it,so she rushed to her shrank where she placed the bag in the second cabinet when she was unpacking her luggage the day they arrived. That was when she picked the white envelope and saw the letter he wrote. After reading the first page,her heart started throbbing faster as if it was trying to escape from it's ribcage and her whole body started shivering, she started seeking refuge in Allah from Shaitaan as she couldn't figure out why she was that way. She mustered the courage to flip to the next page of the paper her eyes clouded,tears trying to betray them. One thing for certain was she loved his handwriting deep down inside her heart. If there's one character Fahma has which not everyone knows but she always posses is appreciating people's endowment. Even though she was in a panic,her mind keeps thinking of how Allah blessed someone with the ability to write as if it were a design.. Then she continued..

'You might be asking why all the gifts right? Do you remember telling me you value time the most in life when I asked you what you value most? Do you remember telling me you wished you had an hourglass which will always remind you of what you've been created with? Do you remember telling me that that which we walk on proudly and arrogantly was once used for our timing and that is why you fear the day you're going to be swallowed by it? Indeed!! From your wordings that day,I learnt more which I never thought of. That was why I decided to fulfill your dream of owning an hourglass. I wish it brings a smile to your face little sister' after reading this,she could imagine him smiling to himself. Sighing so his heavy breath could be released. She smiled bitterly, letting the tears from her eyes fall and she looked towards the hourglass she kept on the table next to her before looking back on the paper again..

'Oh! The Mug. I know you're wondering why. For that morning tea you never skip before going to school. And a coffee brown for that matter because you love it that way and with your initials inscribed because I love it that way. Am sorry if I've gone beyond limits' with a smile she shook her head and wiped her tears with the back of her palm saying "No you didn't" repeatedly.

'In that photo envelope is the only photo of you which is on your profile though half of your face is off but it looks good. Don't forget to delete it after your Nikaah(marriage) and also mine is also attached but you'll be shocked when you see it...' Seeing that, she swiftly picked the bag and removed the photo envelope from it. She saw hers attached to the one he claimed to be his but the only part she was as to see in the face was his eyes. As his face was of too. She was lost in looking into the luminous orbs which were directly pausing into hers too when she heard her father calling out her name.

"Oh! You're here" he said when he opened the door to the study room when she his the paper and photo under the table. "Here your mother wants to speak to you"he stated again handing the phone in his hand over to her. She collected and spoke first..

"Hello mummy" she stated crying and her father who was checking what was in the bag looked up to confirm if everything was alright.. Her mother's heart raced when she heard her voice and she started panicking, asking if everything was fine but Fahma lied telling her that she just misses her. After several minutes of speaking on phone she ended the call and gave him the phone back.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked softly.

"Nothing dad,I just miss home. Mum, my siblings.." She replied not looking at him.

"Is that why you're facing away from me?" He asked again knowing she was hiding something.

"Y-yy-es. N-no" she stuttered and looked at him"actually, I am missing home already. I don't want to leave you all "she said wiping the unending tears falling on her cheeks.

"Oh! Dear! Just know that this is nothing to worry about,you'll get to see us time to time. It's not as if anyone is dying. No,but you're going to  move to a more higher level so keep faith in Allah,pray more and worry less. OK" he consoled holding on to her palms as she nodded." Good,I see you're busy let me go finish some work get ready we're going outing tomorrow "once she was calm he said again.

"Yes a friend sent me this as an engagement gift" she stated shyly pointing the bag he kept aside." I'd be very glad,can't wait for tomorrow" she said happily giving him a peck and smiling when he exited the room.
Just after he left she remembered what he said last..

"Fear Allah in whatever you do. You know you're no longer allowed to be involved with any other man" he cautioned.

She picked the paper and photo she hid and opened the paper to where she stopped and continued reading.

"Don't get angry,you never truly unveiled your complete face too" she could imagine how his voice was going to tease her had it been they were speaking on phone.'And then a silver bag because SILVER IS ME as you once told me. Fahma I love you so very much. It's inappropriate for you to keep the letter and my photo after your marriage so please destroy them and for the rest,please don't refuse to accept them. I'd really love it when you say something to me,even if it's a goodbye.." And she sighed heavily when she read the last line.. At the back of the photograph he wrote "I Wish..."  And she smiled bitterly.

"Ya Allah! Bestow peace and happiness onto his soul,grant him the best amongst us and open his heart for him to love and cherish her. Aameen" She prayed feeling sympathetic towards him." Thank you so much brother, you've shown me a brothers love. May Allah bless you "..

With the photograph placed on her lap and her gaze placed on to the sky for a long time her phone buzzed on the stool. Checking what it was,she smiled happily and started praising Allah. She was informed that Zee had put to bed by Malik and her picture was sent through WhatsApp. An epitome of beauty she saw when she downloaded the picture,being naturally drawn to babies and the look on the baby's face,she jumped happily and called Safwa immediately telling her the good news. Next was her family and she ran to her father's room telling him the news too. All were overjoyed and Fahma could literally imagine how happiness filled the air.

Ahmad became very possessive and over protective since after their engagement because he couldn't afford to lose her. He made sure that he kept in touch regularly. Usman,her cousin was also back to normal and has been in touch too.

Jabir was going out of his mind. He gets more furious whenever her name is being mentioned when the family members were making preparations for the marriage. He feels like everyone hates him and he was starting to lose faith in Saeed too. He was becoming more sick and was shrinking. His mother is very concerned about why he has been losing weight and looking more sick but he feigned not knowing anything to do with that. Jawaahir would always cry whenever she sees his expression when Fahma is being talked about. She pities him the most and she doesn't know in what way she was going to help him while Saeed was determined to make him understand that we don't get all we wish to have...

Love you💕💕💕💕 . .



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