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"Contentment. The spice to a healthy living".

Fahma was getting impatient already. She was out from an exam an hour ago and has been in the hall waiting for her pairing partner but he was no where to be seen. She remembered what Safwa told her about the postgraduate students being wicked and scoffed. Her mind raced as she watched others halfway in their own discussion from afar,no one seemed to care about her. Safwa was at the extreme end with Fahma's cousin, seriousness written all over them. Each supervisor sat beside the students grading them based on their skills. While Fahma's glanced at her from time to time assuring her that her partner will be here soon.

"What sought of creature have I been paired with" she thought""how I wish I didn't miss that class that day. Now it's from ice cream treat to pepper sauce wait".

As she waited,she remembered the incident that occurred at home the day that lecturer made his points clear. Ummu Sulaim insulting her mother over the fence. Not just that, what worsened the situation was that she a friend(Hauwa) of hers tagged along. Saying all they had with all their might but thankfully she didn't reply them back. Rather,she snuggled up in her bed and drifted to sleep while their voices echoed in the neighborhood. Fahma was beyond shocked when she was told but she had promised her father not to pick a fight with anyone if not she would have attacked. She can't stand her mother being insulted and blamed over nothing.

The friend in question has benefitted a lot from Ummu Maryam,but was angry with her when she advised her against going to people who claim they are Islamic clerics who can help you solve your problems when the true fact is they're just nothing but soothsayers and occultists who use the name of Islam to practice unlawful deeds like consulting the spirits and what not. The friend did all that just to marry her childhood friend's husband but after the marriage, it didn't work as planned. She was tortured and bullied till she was skinny enough for her bones to be visible before she got divorced. But still she never changed. After all Allah warns us against going to soothsayers and the likes of reported by

'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud “Anyone who goes to a diviner, a practitioner of magic or a soothsayer, asking something and believing in what he says, denies what was revealed to Muhammad.”(Reported by Al-Bazzar and Abu Ya'la).. And in other hadith's "His prayer will not be answered for forty days and is a Mushrik".

" Assalamu Alaikum,excuse me" a voice said bringing her back from her thoughts. She checked on her wrist watch and saw that she has been thinking for over 30minutes. "Subhanallah" she said to herself before lifting her head up to the person standing in front of her.  After answering him,he didn't say anything but froze on that spot..

"Excuse me,who are you?" She asked softly.. Still he didn't say anything. When she realized that he wasn't willing to speak,she decided to change her sitting position. As she was about to move to another seat, she heard her supervisor call her name..

"Where are you going to? He is your partner"

"Oww" she mouthed before sitting back.

"Let's get started" the supervisor said bringing him back to reality.

"Sorry,I am Jabir-" he started speaking to her before he got interrupted by the supervisor.
"You kept me waiting and now you're starting up some useless introduction. Hurry up,your time starts now."

Jabir who has been shocked since when he saw his partner sat down quietly glancing at her from time to time...

"This voice sounds familiar" she thought.

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