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"And with constant prayers and supplications, all become a lot better"..

Seconds turned minutes. Minutes turned hours. Hours turned days. Days turned weeks. Weeks turned months and finally,Months turned years. That's how it works. That's how He planned it. With life,all comes and goes. With life,all hopes can be achieved. With life,no No is permanent. With life,no tears remains unwiped. How He Azza wa Jal works!! !!!.

It's a week to Fahma and Ahmad's wedding and all preparations are fully carried out. Fahma has been at home since the week her father took her back home for the surprise he informed her about. She was very delighted when she saw what he showed her as the surprise. It was the first thing she sighted before her family members.

Her dream house. Yes! Since her childhood, she always wished she will wake up to find herself in a house as serene as it. Out of happiness, she hugged him tight crying. Tears which he assumed to be tears of joy.

In front of them stood a duplex. Painted white with a coffee brown roof made of step tiles and a black gate. Flowers bloomed everywhere around the garden making the surrounding very calm and conducive. And just when she opened the frontage leading to the walkways inside,she heard a squeal and Maryam hugged her tight screaming 'surprise' along with the rest. She went to her mother and hugged her saying 'I love you' and the mother did the same. She explored the house along with Husna while everyone kept watching every step she made. Her smile was non stop as each and every part of the house was perfectly organized but still the worry on her face was clearly visible and that made them to worry.

"What are the extra rooms for?" She asked.

"Whom you should say" Amrah corrected. Being the moody type she became, she just huffed "whatever" slightly parting her arm's.

"For your kids I presume" Husna blurted and giggled.

"Kids?" Her heart raced.."whose kids?".

"Yours of course" Amrah and Husna said in unison laughing.

"Huh?" She looked at her parents with a raised brow.

"Don't mind them dear. Go get some rest" They said.

"Alright" she stated making her way up the stairs.

"And don't bother getting ready for another journey because you ain't going back till after your marriage. I already explained to them at your office"Her father explained and she just nodded moving forward.

Later on,they explained the main reason why they decided to move to the new house to her. " We ain't getting any younger and a life without peace is not worth living. Since our own next door neighbour refused to stop their bad attitude, we decided to move over here. Because I can't risk bringing my kids up in such an environment where nothing but quarrels,hypocrisy and their likes are respected. You are the eldest,so for anything that happens in your lives,learn to take action in time. Do what is rightful and you will never regret being you. We know this has been your dream,the flowers,the stairs,the lights and everything but you are worried because you're leaving it behind soon. Learn to appreciate every moment,learn to respect what is yours and your life will be a big description to others".. Their words made her more stronger and she felt a little relieved that she snuggled on her bed peacefully wrapped in the comfy duvet with mind at peace.

This evening, as she was preoccupied with looking at the Carnations she watered few moments ago her phone beeped,indicating there was an SMS and it was none other than Ahmad.

"I don't know how to start thanking Allah because He has always blessed me with the best and He Has just did. It's a week to my wedding and a pretty looking angel just came into the world to shine our lives. Alhamdulillah!! i can't Thank Him less. Both Mother and baby are in good health and I hope you are too. As long as I live,I promise to make every moment we live worth remembering to you. I can't wait to witness this moment with you. When my helmet will be right on top of your chest of drawers and my dusty boots beside our door with our little angel smiling like you. This is an engineer's promise to you." She read and happily replied back  "MashaaAllah. My regards to the mother and a smile for the baby please. May Allah bless and guide her growth according to His and the prophets code of conducts.Ameen. I am very happy my little sweeties now have a younger sister".

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