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"Not everyone's opinion will fit in well for you,having your own initiative matters a lot"

It was a dusty morning with the breeze blowing aimlessly and trees swaying in unison,the sand being banged upon buildings and passersby faces. It was very cold,the harmattan season was in...

It's a day after Zainab's wedding and Fahma was still lying on her bed,something she never did. She is a morning person so she never sleeps after Fajr,when everyone noticed that,she was allowed to rest because she was stressed from the work and crying yesterday...

The ringtone of her phone woke her up,at first she didn't bother to check who it was but another ring made her to do so..

"Oh my Allah!! Who is calling me this early morning" she complained and picked the call,it was an unknown number.

"Assalamu Alaikum" the voice said from the other side.

"Wa'alaikumussalaam" she answered in a sleepy tone.

"Good morning Fahma" the voice greeted.

"Morning" she replied.

"I am very sorry if  i'm disturbing now,maybe I should call back later" the voice said again

"Oh no problem,how may I help you?" She said..."when you've already woken me up let's get finished up so that it wouldn't be 2-0" she thought..

"It's Sadeed from Instagram, remember?" He asked.

"Oh!! Yes Sadeed,how could I forget you" she said smiling..

"So how have you been?" She asked

"Fine Alhamdulillah"

"And you?" He asked too

"Alhamdulillah am fine too"

"MashaaAllah,I haven't heard from you for some days now that was why I called to ask if everything was OK" he explained..

"All is fine,it's just that I've been so busy,a sister of mine got married yesterday,and it was two days after I finished exams. Don't worry all will be smooth now" she assured.

"And you didn't invite us" he asked jokingly.

"Sorry that didn't even cross my mind,but do you live here" she asked

"Where?" he asked

"Oh!! we don't even know our locations, OK here in KANO" she said

"Do you want me to come over??" he teased.

"Where? Why would I want so?" She asked

"I don't know" he laughed..

"Yaa Salaam you've started,OK Ma'assalaam,bye" she said

"I was just teasing, Bissalaam" he chuckled.

"Whatever" she said and hung up.

She got down from the bed,tidied up everywhere, took a bath and then went to check on her family members.

"Jabir,make me understand why you haven't made a move till now? Do you know that Zee's brother the one whom I collected her contact from that day is after her too" Saeed angrily said.

"Saeed you'll not understand, I tried my possible best to call and tell her but my mind keeps failing me" Jabir said

"How?" Saeed asked not understanding what he meant

"The thought of hearing a No from her,the thought of losing her makes my heart sour" jabir stated

"Who told you that you were going to lose her and if that's the case find another girl" Saeed suggested.

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