1st Day cont.

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Bezey POV
I seen that Me Me was acting weird when I'm always around her so I took her hand and we walked off. Her hand was sweaty which bought a smirk on my face.Those hazel eyes are making me get all soft.

"So why are you so nervous around me" I asked

"Look who you are.. You shouldn't waste your time on a girl like me you probably use to hitting and leaving and I'm not that typ-"
I cut her off with a kiss her lips were so soft and she didn't hesitate to kiss back.

I pulled back with lust In my eyes." Can you take me home please I'm tired of being up here." He nodded and grab my hand opening the passenger door for me.

"Bezey I called out" "yes Ma" that drove me crazy "what do you do for a living if you don't mind me asking?" "I sell drugs I'm in a gang called Dope Boyz Ent(DBE)

Me and Jay but if yu tell anybody I'll kill you" he said with a Straight face. The ride was quite until my phone was ringing... It was Ree Ree I told her that I was busy and hung up.

Bezey POV
While Me Me was on the phone my song was just now coming on
"I get it from my momma counting through them hundreds fuck yo city beats I'm talking to yo uncles"
I ran a couple red lights and stop signs, but hey that's my song. Me Me was laughing until our hand meet mines and then her breathing picked up she was shaking a little bit her locked with my eyes and I pulled over.

Ree Ree POV
I called Me Me and she hurried up saying she was busy. umm... I'm thinking it's some serious cause she usually doesn't hang up like that.. I'm 5'7 ,very thick tatted up, grey eyes, and a nasty attitude cause ima bad bitch.

There is this rumor going around that Sosa was supposing to fuck me. Sosa was with some gang called DBE they were the shit in our school and we were only freshmen. They were so cool until you crossed them. they had quick tempers all but Jay he let more shit slid than Sosa and Bezey..
"Get yo ass out my room and close my damn door" I yelled at my twin sister Mylia we looked alike but I was the dark one. I got up and walked out my room to be surprised by Sosa..

Sosa POV
I walked into Ree Ree house. She hung out with our crew and was mad funny. So as I was about to knock on her door it swing open and there she was in some leggings and T-shirt. We always tell our friends
girls we like them to be them around us. But there she was smiling. I gave her a hug then we was in her room doing homework. I'm a thug but I did school second after gang work. Time was slipping and I had to leave cause boss called me in. "Alright Ree Ree I gotta go" I said.
"Will you come back afterwards so we can finish" she replied pouting. I smirked but nodded while walking out.
As I got in my all black Lamborghini I turned the radio on while smoking a blunt. My niggas Jay and Bezey are like ying and yang they were totally different but some how clicked I was just the guy that they fucked with since we were young so they added me to the crew. We were in boss office when he asked to speak with Bezey alone.

30 minutes later
Bezey came out looking lost and worried at the same time "boss needs us in his office" he said.
We walked in and boss had three bags on his desk and said "pick up boys" boss had a lot of works but liked us more cause we did what needed to be done. as we were walking out he said some that made all of us drop our bags and turn around.
"Guys I'm dying from HIV and I wanna enjoy the last couple of years with family so Bezey you already know your the leader"

Bezey POV
Boss wasn't really dying he told me that he wanted to test us so he is going to leave and build another gang that will come after us.
So now I'm the leader I need niggas that's down for us and wanna hustle.

As Bezey and Me Me left Jay took me home and said something I will never forget. "Aye can we go out some time" my heart dropped to my toes
"Ummm... sure when?
"Toma night." He said
As soon as he left I walked in my room and jumped on the bed screaming in excitement a boy from DBE was taking me out. I was so happy like man that was so surprising.

As Bezey pulled into my driveway he asked could he take me out "of course" I said with excitement in my voice.
He left and I went inside and recognize I left my binder in his car "DAMN MANE" I yelled out loud and my momma popped me in the back of my head. I rolled my eyes and walk in my room. I took my phone out but didn't have his number.
I usually don't let guys take me home and you know cause niggas are crazy in Mississippi.
I was on my bed and I was thinking about them light brown eyes with that smile.

I got a lil hot just by thinking bout him so I sat in front of the fan and watch his basketball highlights on YouTube.

Bezey POV
I left the trap early and went home and roll up it's 6:13 and I don't feel like severing nobody. So as I open my door I see a unfamiliar car there so I grabbed my nine that had platinum engrave that said "Bezey" on it I  cocked and slide out the passenger side and I couched down running to there car and notice a baby was crying so I left and went underground leading to my house and I was in My security room and notice a female was in my kitchen. I had my gun put in the back of her skull and she turned around and stuck the gun in her mouth.
The girl was Tamalia she was bad as fuck and she say I'm the baby daddy. so here we are getting a DNA test. we rushed the results so later that day we would find out.

I was in my bed chillin when I heard a knock on the door people usually don't knock so I ran to my dresser grabbed a gun and went on top of my house to see who it was. it was Me Me so I climbed down and open the door she looked like she was pissed off I let her in and she started going off about some.
I just grabbed her and sat down she started crying into my chest.
"How did she find my house" I thought.

Mane it sucks guys just keep breaking my heart I wanna be a killer now so after I stop crying Ima talk to Bezey about it.

I was sittin at home when some thick girl knocked on Bezey's door I grabbed my gun and headed over to only find Me Me crying on his shoulder.

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