Family first

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I was laying in bed when baby Me Me started jumping on the bed. "Where is your daddy?"

"Daddy gone." she said

Her voice is so cute.

"Well I'm finna shower so stay on the bed.!"

As I was finished with my shower I was taking care of my hygiene things I had my robe on when I heard Miracle laughing like Bezey was tickling her or something. I went in there and sure enough he was.

He had on white Levi's white air forces, a orange hustle hard shirt with DBE on the back, earrings, and a orange diamond necklace.

I looked and seen Miracle wearing the same thing but she had his bandana on under her ponytail. "y'all so cute now you both get out do I can get dress."

"or I can get undress." he said as he rise his eyebrow.

"Out Bezey." I chuckled as he grabbed Miracle.

"Come on mini me momma don't want us no mo." He said

Bezey POV

As me and my twin walked downstairs she seen her cup cup and pointed at it so I got her some milk and we was in the front when Me Me came down dressed liked us so we took a picture and put it on Instagram. I seen Sosa and Jay was dressed alike .

"So I was thinking all of us should take the kids out." I told Me Me

"That would be nice."

So we got baby Me Me bag and walked to Jay house to tell him so he got Monica up and got her dress we all had on orange and white.

As I turned around at Sosa house I seen him chasing TJ with a belt. "bring yo ass here boy." He yelled at TJ we was all laughing then he caught him.

Everybody got in there orange cars and went to the zoo.

30 minutes later

"Come on Miracle ."

She was sleeping as soon as we left the driveway.

"Daddy I'm hungry." she said

"We can get some to eat in a few ok Ma Ma." she nodded we went to the food court and all the kids looked so cute but TJ his lil ass is bad. so he sat by Sosa and wouldn't let him move at all.

We was looking at monkeys and Monica and Tiffany was so excited but Miracle ran to my leg she was scared and she looked so cute. Then she seen some hippos she went crazy over them they even let her touch one.

Then they said "snake" I forgot I had Miracle in my hand. I jetted off all I seen was her ponytail bouncing up and down. I hate snakes them things are scary.


Boy Bezey still fast like lighting we were all laughing at him as he took off with Miracle. We all got back in out cars and headed to Bezey house. I sense a family dinner now if you haven't been to one it's like war.


Family dinner I need to go get under a rock this is the scariest/best dinner to be at. I seen Jay grab his bebe gun. I shook my head as he loaded it up.

Maddy POV

I was driving when I seen Sosa load his bebe guns . this happens every time we have a family dinner I can only imagine what is finna happen.


Family dinner yay. Me and mini Bezey was fixing the table as Bezey walked out with two pistol bebe guns. the last time this happen everyone was running and hiding.

Bezey POV

I waited til I seen both guys around each other I was hiding in my car. I fired at Jay first and watch him grab his shoulder. then Sosa took off running the girls made us stop but the face on jay face was priceless.


We was at dinner when Bezey picked up Miracle and went in the house. She came out with a bag that read, "your night is just getting started." I blushed as he returned out with a grin.

As everybody was leaving I was cleaning when Miracle came in with a box I opened it and it said. "you got me tied no matter what I love you for you and that's all I need so with that being said".... I looked up and seen him on one knee. "will you marry me?" I started crying and nodded my head yes. I'm engaged to the one and only Mr. Beasley.

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