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* 2 years later*

Bezey POV

I woke up with a headache so I pre ran the shower water and just let the water sting my body I finished my whole hygiene thing then headed to kitchen. I haven't seen miracle in 2 years.

Me Me sends me pictures and it breaks me down. I'm the youngest millionaire, but I really don't care I want my family.

As I drove to the trap I seen Me Me car I cocked my gun but it was really her.

Then miracle ran up to me hugging my leg I picked her up and hugged here tight. "daddy" she said I couldn't believe this shit.

Fuck the trap I let Miracle ride wit me as Me Me followed me to the house. I opened up the door and I showed Miracle her room and then left her in there to play.

As I walk downstairs I seen Me Me in my shorts and shirt. I think them my socks too.

"They fit better on me" I said

"Look I gotta work can you watch her until 9:30 tonight?"


She went upstairs and took a shower and got dress before she left I gave her a kiss.

That boy is still fine I wonder has he fucked another bitch. I was at work when he texted.

Me Me& Bezey text

Baby daddy: what have I told yu bout coming to the trap like that?

Baby momma: I just needed you to watch yo daughter.

Baby daddy: who was watching her before me?? She ain't leaving no mo..

Baby momma: I wasn't working...wym

Baby daddy: look I'm sorry about the hospital thing but yu shot me 2 boo.. I was mad I want us back as a family.

Baby momma:I gotta go but I want yu 2.

Text ends

I got him back. I got him back. work was going slow asf I needed to get home and make another baby with him.

"Love you too bay" I said as I walked out the house to Bezey house. I thought I went crazy when I seen Miracle on his lap.

He took over our house and the kids played. then me Sosa and Bezey went to the trap we had to make some big deals they were worth $2.5 million. We all had 3 deals apiece $7.5 million total. We sold it and got more soldiers I got a funny feeling jr worked for boss. we got hitters everywhere so we prepared for him. He knows ain't no love lost in this game so if he shows up he dead.

Sosa POV
Maddy and I was playing with Tiffany she so cute this my heart she falls asleep on my chest everyday. she cries when I leave so I pay Bezey or Jay to do mine 2. Tif went to sleep and me and Maddy checked on TJ who was sleep. I went upstairs to find a naked Maddy well I think it's time for another baby.

Ree Ree POV
I was on my way hone when I seen Bezey car speeding away I was like What the fuck" I texted Me Me

Ree Ree& Me Me text

Bad bih: I just seen yo man driving fast asf what's going on?

Me Me: Guh I told him to come home and make a

Bad bih: I'm done with you two..

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