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"Wanna go see daddy or ice cream?" I asked miracle

"Ummmmm ice cream." She laughed

"Your too cute. Lets see daddy then ice cream."


As we were leaving I seen a yellow bandana around a guys neck I sent it to Jay and him and Sosa went out there and grabbed him.

Sosa POV

We had this young guy in my basement. Now it's time to asked questions.

"Who do you work for and what y'all want." I asked as I cocked my gun.

"We wanna run with your gang my Boss is name Big June he wanted us to look around we didn't know DBE ran this territory."

Look tell yo boss to call mines." I have him the number and let him loose.


I went to my house after the yellow thing. I opened the door and laid on the couch. JP was gone with the kids so now I'm bored I guess I'll roll up a blunt.


"Daddy." she yelled running to his bed but stopped when he didn't speak or move.

I quickly picked her up and she just cried into my neck. I held her. then she stopped she looked her daddy and climbed in his bed and hugged and kissed him. As we were walking out I heard a cough. I turn around and seen those light brown eyes Miracle was just standing there. I gave him kisses everywhere, but realize he was hurt.

"Sorry bay, I love you."

"Water please."he asked

Miracle climbed in his bed and just wrapped under him I took a pic and told Miracle to come on she shook her "I'm staying with da da." she was crying

He nodded so I walked out. Not paying attention I bumped some tall light skinned dude he was so fine. "let me go home." I thought to myself.

~30 minutes later~

Bezey POV

"Ma Ma you ready to leave??"

"Yes da da."

I signed the release papers and was walking slower than normal. Miracle had my finger with her hand. "I need another one of you." She laughed I strapped her in her car seat and I notice she didn't have her Hippo. "No no no." I thought to myself. Then she was looking for it. I drove home quickly.

I open the door to see Me Me tied down I ran to her and untied her she said "purple gang is after you." she told me they didn't touch her in anyway. Just for safety the kids went to their grandmother houses until this is solved.

Sosa POV
I was just out the shower when I heard my door bust in downstairs I cocked my gun and turned off the lights. I heard footsteps so I grabbed the person and cut on the lights "purple?"

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