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Bezey POV

As Me Me  was crying on my shoulder I heard my door just bust wide open she jumped and I grabbed my gun in one motion pointing at Jay..
"Shoot bitch" he said
I laughed and but my gun down and told Me Me "go up stairs" she nodded and walked off. Jay fixed my door then  went back home and now I was in the kitchen when JP text me.

Bezey&JP Text
My Boo: Hey Bezey I was wondering if we could study tonight?
Future Baby Daddy: Damn I'm busy tonight how about toma?
My Boo: Yeah thanks bae
My Boo: meant boy
Text Ends
As I was walking up the stairs I heard Me Me telling somebody "that she was in my house and she wanted me to be her baby father."

So I waited until she hung up and walked in and start kissing her. Then she started to pull me as she laid down..

I was having baby fever or something when Bezey walked in the room I instantly got hot and wanted him even though he was my friend guy I had a special feeling for him.
As I grabbed him he was kissing me and then I meet those eyes and got a lil wet.
He then took off his clothes and I got a little scared when he took it out.
He started kissing my neck and slipped his hands and between my leg and I lost breathe for a second and then he started to play with my clit and I felt pressure build up and then he stuck both fingers in and I came and felt like a new woman.
He then was reaching for a condom when I said " no condom please."
He at first looked confused but shook it off and hovered over me
He slide my pants off and panties I was exposed but Bezey always said "be y'all around us."
So I just open up and he approach my girly slow and then he put the tip in and I was about to cry " I mean damn dude what do you feed that thing."
He put the tip in and started to stroke slow, after each stroke I felt it deeper and deeper.
At first it was hurting but then he speed up and was about to pull out until I quickly grabbed him back on me.

He was tryin to pull, but I was wrapped around him and I heard him exhale and shook his head a couple times.

Bezey POV
"No no no no. Why would you do that for"?
She smiled and walked out.
I was beyond happy that I came inside her I might be having a baby by Mrs. Me Me.
I called Sosa up


"Aye guy I started it off now it's y'all turn. Lol."
"Already I'll find me a girl tonight"

End of Convo

Bezey said we was studying tonight so I thought that would bring him to me. I was about to study me some Mr. Mitchell.
I heard a knock on the door so I tied up my robe and walked into the living room and opened to be rush by Bezey with a hug..
"I've missed you lady."
"Damn there he goes again looking all good he was sweating and it was running down his body.

I bit my lip and moved over to let him in.

I been down with Bezey crew so I have my own house I know young and getting it right.
He took his shirt off and I damn near passed out.

He has tattoos to cover his whole upper body and I was turned on by the different designs, colors, and style.
I felt my self getting weak so I turned on the tv to save myself from the embarrassment.
He must have just gotten out the shower cause he smelled just like Irish Springs. He had on some Memphis grizzle's sevens on with black Levi's shorts and a black muscle shirt.
He had black earrings and a shiny necklace on.
He study and left me.. so I text Jay I know he would come.

JP& Jay Texts
Jay bear: hey can yu come study with me


Texts end
I can't wait to see Jay he made me feel important but I caught Bezey and Me Me walking together and she looks a little different.

After me and Bezey was done I went home and showered then he came over my house to talk.
I wanted him to my self he was my first and my last.. I'll kill if another bitch even talks to him.
I seen his yellow Lamborghini pull up and my heart started racing and I can't stop smiling.

2 Weeks Later
Bezey and I was at the Doctor office to see if I was pregnant and sure enough I am "yes" I thought, but I seen Bezey face he looked scared and worried I grabbed his hand and smiled.
"Wanna go home and have a treat?" I asked him
He licked his thick lips and nodded yes
I moved in with Bezey the day I told my parents I had sex and it's just my freshman year.

She said "since you wanna be all bad and shit and have sex? Get out.. "GET THE FUCK OUT" she yelled
So I packed my stuff and called my baby daddy saying come get me.
Bezey pulled up and was shirtless thank God for that air cause by looking at him I was burning up.

Ree Ree POV
After Sosa left I laid across my bed and wondered how do it feel to have sex.
I want to have sex with somebody bad as long as they not ugly.
I shook that thought off and and started on my hair.

Jay was on his way over I know they friends but they are so fine.
I was watching Kobe Bryant go to work vs "LeBum"
As Kobe was about to dunk my phone rung
"Nasty nasty"

"Ooh ooh that's my song hoe"

"Bad bitch but her attitude nasty"

"Ooh ooh city suite don't kiss her that bit nasty"

Jose just looking for some thots"

It was Jay so I answered

Jay&JP Convo


Say Ma wanna get some to eat??


Well what you waiting on I'm outside


Sosa POV

So I was at the trap teaching the rookies how to shoot when I got a call from a girl name Rene Madison (maddy)...she was a red bone that was goofy and smart, but didn't play when it came to me she was mad cool and she was gorgeous.
She was once suspended for beating a girl cause she looked at me too long.
"I'm all lonely" she said
"On my way" I hung up
She was chill people didn't nobody knew we talked and that's how we wanted it to stay.
As I was driving Bezey hit me up

Bezey&Sosa convo

Bezey B: Aye I heard Maddy was pregnant

Sosa: shid she just called me and told me she lonely but Ima hit yu up when I know what's up.

As I got out Bezey Audi I seen her at the door .
No lie a young nigga loved her ass thinking about making her my ride or die.
"Maddy" I yelled
"Yes" she yelled back
I walked into the kitchen where she was cooking a snack I grabbed her by the waist and put my chin in the crook of her neck.
She just smiled and turned off the stove then turned around with her arms around my neck.
"Do wanna be my-"
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" She jumped up and down.
We kissed and kissed and then we was in her bed.
As I was about to slide it in she took off the condom and said
"I want a baby by you. you don't have to be there for the baby I just want one."
"Me to."

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