Have Faith

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Bezey POV

I asked the guy "what do you want from us?"

"I was called from DeSean (boys ex boss) and he felt me in that you guys where coming after him so I came down here and he said your wife is at home h-"

I punched him right in the mouth "you should've stayed." I said as I took my shirt off and told the guys to untie him.

I'm finna beat his ass with no weapons.

He was already shot three times and I wanted him at a 100%, but I was no fool to let him go I told them to circle around as we squared off..

I hit him so fast and hard he feel and then I was punching him as he was bleeding everywhere then I shot him twice..

I got washed up at the trap house and then headed straight to the hospital.
As I walked in Me Me room I seen her eyes open I ran and got a nurse.

As soon as I opened my eyes I seen exactly who I wanted to see my Bezey.
I know he would come he always says "I will always be by your side."
I won't leave this man he is my trophy he doesn't bring his drug life in the house.

"Monica sit yo ass down guh." I yelled
"Yes sir" she replied back
I was watching her and then JP came in with baby j latched onto her.
"Hey bay can you watch them I'm finna go get Miracle from her grandma."
"Sure bay." I said kissing her forehead.

Now I was with baby j and she look just like me her chubby cheeks and bright green eyes.
I put her down and she followed me to the kitchen with her favorite teddy bear while sucking her thumb.
"You hungry Ma Ma?"
She nodded yes so I fixed her a peanut butter and jelly with a glass of milk.
"Monica you hungry boo?"
"No daddy I'm thirsty."
"Cone get you something to drink then."
She walked over and got some orange juice.

Sosa POV
"Maddy bring TJ in here with me."
"Okay bay I'm getting Tiff now."
I told her that her and Tiff can have a girls day off so I wanted to chill with my lil man.
"Can we take your Challenger?" she asked I have her the keys as she handed me TJ and gave me a kiss before her and Tiff left.
"Wanna play with cousin Monica, Jennifer, and Miracle today?" I asked TJ
"YES SIR!" he said excited.
I grab his bag and we went over Jay house and the kids play.

I was picking up miracle from her grandmother.
I had her strapped down and we was heading home.
"You want ice cream baby girl?"
"Yes ma'am"
They raising this little girl right she so calm and respective.
"Strawbrrary plewease." she added.
She is so cute I'm keeping her tonight unless Bezey wants her.

Bezey POV
Me Me was doing good but the doctors wanted her to stay the night.
As i was leaving the hospital I was at a corner store getting my baby Me Me some snacks when I overheard a young nigga say "mane DBE finna get flooded out by GK" (Gangster killas) they rep yellow but I paid for her snacks and got in my car heading home. I'll deal with that shit in the morning, as I got to Sosa house I knocked and then JP opened the door I gave her a hug and then got miracle who was getting sleep. "thank you guys for watching her."
"Welcome she was just perfect over here."
I ran her some bath water and she was playing with here ducks I left the door open and started cooking she loves tacos and fries. I know weird huh? But my baby girl like em so that's what she getting. I was done cooking and she yelled "daddy I'm done I know she just played so I went in there and gave her a right bath.
I fixed her plate and I plate as we said grace over our food then she ate her food.
I notice she was looking sad.
"What's wrong pumpkin?"
"I miss mommy." She started crying. it broke me down cause I was trying but her mother is who she needed. "how about if you finish your food I'll take you to mommy."
"Ok da da." She yelled in excitement

Maddy POV
Come on you two stop fighting I popped both of them on the shoulder. TJ gave me a devilish grin as Tiff ran to her daddy. "don't hit her no mo." he came with her wrapped tight on his neck.
"they was fighting and yes I hit them both." he be thinking I only hit Tiff.
TJ was a damn handful he is only 2 and the only color he likes is orange. his room is orange he only eat food if it got a orange taste to it. his hair has orange spots in it.
Sosa looked at him "so you put yo di-"
"Sosa" I yelled
"Dusty hands on my daughter?" he laughed at me
"She started it."
"Ian trying to hear it you go to your room and stop hitting yo damn sister boy." I sighed and took my angel to her room

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