This feels like falling in love?

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   I had to wait in the waiting room so I decided to go on twitter to kill time. I followed some of my beliebers and tweeted a little bit until the doctor called me. I got up instantly and followed the doctor to Y/n's room. The doctor said that I could go in alone so I knocked on the door lightly.

I heard a faint "come in" so I twisted the doorknob and walked in. I was preparing myself for whatever I was about to see."hello?" she questioned. I contined stayed still."Justin?" She asked again.

"Hey." I said sitting down in the chair next to her awkwardly.

"Whats wrong you seem out of it." She said concerned.

"Im sorry Y/n, It's all my fault if I moved my suitcase you wouldn't have fell-"

"Justin.Really I cant believe you are blaming yourself from this.It was not your fault...I'm just clumbsy."She said with a smile.

We both sat there silent for a moment until she spoke up."I heard you say you were my boyfriend..." she said with a light smile.

"Oh. You heard that." I look down embarrased.

"I thought it was cute." She played with her fingers.

"You did?" I looked up and met her eyes.She nodded.

"Good."I replied."When can you get out of here"I continue.

"Umm.I'm not sure the doctor said that I had like a concussion or something. Ask him for me?" She asks.

"Of course."I get up and reached for the doorknob."Justin?"She calls from her bed.

"Yea"I answer back.


"For what?"


"Stop being so adorable im tying to to stop liking you."I say almost out of the door.

"Why are you trying to do that?"She asked sounding hurt.

"because nothing makes me happier...and nothing makes me sadder... than you."I replied walking out of the door leaving her.

---5 Minutes Later-----

I walked to the front desk and asked them If I could speak to the doctor and the said yes.

"Doctor Mcalpine?"I walked over to him.

"Yes Young man?"

"I was wondering when Skye will be able to leave."

"She has to stay for a night our two so we can do more tests because a pretty bad concussion"


"If you want to can stay with her we welcome overnight visitors"

"That's great thanks."


Justin left me speechless. I was sitting there in this unconfortable hospital bed speechless.I thought that...I don't know maybe he is just playing with my mind at this point. I was waiting for Justin to come back until the door opened and one of the nurses came in.

"How are you feeling honey?"She asked but I could tell she didn't reallly care.

"I'm Great!"I lie.

"That's great just ring if you need me." She said pointing to the phone beside the bed and walking out of the room.

About 2 minutes later I heard someone walk into the room.I shut my eyes and pretend to be asleep I felt and heard the person sit next to me but I refused to open my eys.

"I'll admit it I still like you but its not worth it anymore.''Justin whispered."I never ever thouht i'd like you this much.And I never planned to have you on my mind this often."He confessess but I still have my eyes closed."What are you saying she doesn't like you"He says to himself.I open my eyes and I immediately connected my lips with him.He was shocked for a little while but them he caught on and kissed back.

"No one has made me feel like you do."He whispers against my lips now crawling into the bed with me.

"Is this love?"

"I hope so cause I feel it too."


Nothing Like Us( Justin Bieber and Y/N Love story)Where stories live. Discover now