Jill's Theory

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It was Monday and everyone was dead tired in theatre class this morning. Jill was way too tired to ask Sherman anything about Elizabeth and quite frankly came to the conclusion that as curious as she was, it was none of her business to ask him. Also, she was too tired to even say hello to him in the first place.

"You look tired," Sherman observed and Jill nodded. "Usually I'm tired because of that stupid cricket, but it didn't make any noise last night. I think it's getting too cold outside for him..." Jill sometimes wondered how Sherman could always be cheery in the morning and also if he was gay. Then again, it was none of her business.

On the floor was Mick Brown and Mitchie Green, two sophomores in theatre class that seemed like they would make a cute couple. They were practically the same person anyway! Both had mousy, light brown hair and brown eyes. Both were about five feet tall. Both liked the same exact things. Also, they were pretty annoying together when they complained over and over again about the fact their teacher always started class late.

"Where is Ms.Romanov?" Mitchie complained.

"This is barely even a class," said Mick.

"It's a playground."

"It's a jungle!"

"It's naptime," said Jill and the rest of the small class seemed to agree with her.

Mick and Mitchie both glared at her. Today was one of their good days where they would act as friends and agree with everything the other says or does. Whereas on their bad days, everyone would be looking for shelter because of how explosive their fights get.

Then Ms.Romanov walked into the room with a stack of papers in her hand that she placed neatly on her desk. "Okay class," she said, "I've read over your speeches about your favorite pets for our performance in December and I am really impressed."

"Really? I thought mine sucked," said a senior, Devonte Curtis. He was quite embarrassed to be in a theatrical performance class. He thought this was just for acting. Being a player on Graymoor High's Varsity basketball team, he didn't really think he was cut out for this performing thing at all.

"Oh no, Devonte! I really enjoyed yours about your dog, Shaniqua, and how she always slept," supportedly said Ms.Romanov. "Jill, yours about your pomeranian gave me the most unpleasant flashbacks of a former pet of my own."

"I'm sorry. How unpleasant?" Jill asked nonchalantly.

"Oh, nothing, just a pomeranian I had that constantly tried to destroy me as an adolescent. That's a whole other story I'll have to tell you guys some day," said the teacher as she went through piles of papers on her highly unorganized desk. "Oh, Sparkers, my demonic dog."

Mitchie started singing, "Thirty minutes later and still haven't started class...."

"If you haven't noticed by now, Mitchie, it's sorta a free day. It's Monday. Chill out," said Ms.Romanov. "Also I have something to figure out for your dad, Sherman."

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