Into The Woods

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"I don't like the woods! Sherman, where did you go? Why am I here? All alone!" Jill sung in the woods, her voice bouncing off of various trees.

Why ever did Sherman think it was a good idea to buy snowshoes from some rinky-dink shop on the side of the road? Also, what lead him to think it would be fun to walk around the woods by the lake?

Jill had nothing against nature, she actually liked a little adventure. A little adventure, it's always good, right?

Just not when she doesn't expect it and she gets separated from him and lost in the white nothingness.

"I'm here, Jill!" she heard him call.

"Alright, I can't see you but I'm gonna go down by the lake where I can actually see where I am, okay?" Jill said.

She pushed past the trunks of many trees. For some reason she felt that she wasn't alone. Sure, Sherman was here somewhere, but she felt like something else was watching the both of them. Something bad.

Once she got past the main bulk of woods that Sherman was so eager to explore, she made it to the shore of the lake. It was mainly rocks and not that much snow.

"I'm cold, wet, and alone," Jill pouted to herself. "Why did you want to go into the woods?"

"I thought you were a nature person, Jill. And a winter person," Sherman explained, once he caught up to her. "I thought that you'd find this fun. Don't you think a little adventure is fun?"

"I do find it fun...just when I'm prepared. Gee, we're far away from where you parked. Where did we come from?" Jill looked around trying to get her bearings. Of course in the winter everything looked exactly the same and she completely lost her sense of direction.

Sherman pointed to a clearing really far down the lakeshore. "Right over that hill."

"Wow, we came far...Aaaahh! Sherman! Did you hear that?" Jill asked. She kept hearing noises that echoed and she never knew where they came from. "There's been something following us for the longest time!"

"It's the wind."

"No, it's an animal or a killer!" Jill said. "It's been following us. I know it!"

"You're kidding."

"I'm not even kidding, I'm scared and freaked out. I'm getting teary-eyed. When I get teary-eyed that means I'm genuinely scared and freaked out...let's get out of here!"

"Calm, Jill," said Sherman. "We're having fun."

"I don't know how you find this fun...."

"There's something I've been meaning to ask you," Sherman said.

"What? Why I'm alienating myself from everyone?"

"Whoa...wait. So now you're alienating yourself ? I thought everyone was alienating you? I'm really lost."

"How I just told Claire that I don't want to talk to her or the others? That's alienating myself!"

"That's not alienating youself, Jill. That's called sticking up for yourself," he explained.

He took notice of how legitimately scared Jill looked in the forest and also how legitimately sad she looked whenever she thought about her social life. She was a hormonal teenager with a few problems in her life at the moment, it was no big deal. But being as dramatic as Jill is, she could make it seem like a bigger deal than it actually is.

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