Chapter 4

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Cloudpaw shivered as she heard the clouds rumble.
"Orepaw...why did you choose me?" asked Cloudpaw. Orepaw stopped. The little ran drops started falling from the sky slowly. 

"Cloudpaw," he finally said turned around. "I-I...I am sorry, I was so is just..I miss Tawnystar and Stormfeather...they are the-" he stopped as Cloudpaw rubbed her face in his furry chest. It felt warm.

"It is...fine, I know how that feels.." she winced at the thought, of Tawnyfur as a warrior killing Dawnleap and Shadefawn, even his own mate. 

"HELP!" screeched Omenclaw. Cloudpaw and Orepaw sprinted across the forest into the opening, and there, was a battle. "Come on furballs, we need as much help! Orepaw come attack with us, Cloudpaw, get help! I'm getting annoyed with Waterclan!" Omenclaw growled. Orepaw jumped down to help, Cloudpaw turned to get the cats. Her paws ached as she had to run across rocks. She finally got there. 

"Featherstar!" screeched Cloudpaw. Featherstar swiftly ran to her. 

"What is the problem?" asked Featherstar.

"Waterclan is attacking us! We need help!" panted Cloudpaw. She pointed her tail to where she came from. 

"Waterclaw, Lilynose, Shrewfawn, Blackpaw, and Toothpaw, we are going to battle follow behind me quickly, we will follow Cloudpaw to show our way there." They all nodded and followed as Cloudpaw and Featherstar started moving. As Cloudpaw ran they finally made it. 

"Down there." whispered Cloudpaw. They all looked down, and there, was the battle.

"Jump!" called Featherstar. They all jumped down at the same time. Cloudpaw felt wind and rain. I'm am like rain... thought Cloudpaw. As they landed smoothly on the grass, a Waterclan cat went towards them, then another and another. "Attack!" charged Featherstar. She jumped on the warrior. He growled and scratched her paws. Cloudpaw helped, she bit his eye. The tom retreated going to Acornstar, Waterclan leader. Orepaw came to Cloudpaw. Before he did Blackpaw leaped on him.

"Trying to insult Cloudpaw again?" he growled.

"No, not all all.." winced Orepaw. Cloudpaw got on her paws.

"Blackpaw, it is okay. He told me why he was upset..." she purred, she shaked roughly to get the water out of her fur. Blackpaw leaped off Orepaw.

"I am sorry..." he mumbled. Orepaw nodded and went to Cloudpaw, he purred in delight for her saving him. As they were fighting, Acornstar leaped on Orepaw. 

"What do we have here? Stormfeather's tom-kit?" she laughed, "I thought you were strong, but your just a" -Cloudpaw got angry at the words,- "worthless, stupid, mousedung kit!" Cloudpaw had enough and leap at Acornstar's throat. She bit into her fur, Acronstar unpinned Orepaw and landed on the ground, gurgling blood in pain. Cloudpaw opened her jaws. It was dripping blood. "Startclan....won't let you join stupid furball..." as Acornstar fell limp after her last breath, she joined Starclan. Cloudpaw started sobbing and laid down next to Acornstar's body. A Waterclan tom named Windshade, stood still. His apprentice, Uvypaw stood in shock as well. Featherstar approached, Cloudpaw and softly carried Cloudpaw on the neck and padded swiftly away with the rest of her patrol.

Cloudpaw awoke at sun-rise. Waterclaw standing in front of her. 

"Well, good morning Cloudpaw. Ready to train?" he asked. Cloudpaw yawned and stretched her achy body, then the stood up and walked outside camp with him. "Well, hunting or-" Cloudpaw quickly paused him, 

"I want to hunt!" she spatted quickly. Waterclaw laughed. 

"Okay, okay..calm down, lets go." she walked with Cloudpaw aside of him. Cloudpaw thinking about what happened last moon and Acornstar's last words, 'Starclan....won't let you join stupid furball...' then fell limp. "We are here!" purred Waterclaw, interrupting her thinking. Cloudpaw sniffed, but instead of smelling prey, she smelled something else. Waterclaw smelled it too. "We should go back...I don't feel safe." he turned until he froze to a rustle in a bush. A apprentice came out and looked at them. 

"Um...I-" the apprentice paused as a peach matted she-cat padded out of the bush.

"Purplepaw, what are you doing?" she turned to Waterclaw and gasped, "W-Waterclaw?" she leaped on him. As Cloudpaw was about to attack, the she-cat was licking him. They touched mussels. "Oh are you?" she purred. Purplepaw walked to the she-cat and laid next to her. 

"I am fine, Yellowtail. How is our daughter?" asked Waterclaw. Yellowtail looked at Purplepaw,

"She is fine." Yellowtail replied. Purplepaw winced,

"That apprentice knows now..." she wimpered. Yellowtail and Waterclaw looked at Cloudpaw. She stared in astonishment. 

"Cloudpaw, are you mad?" asked Waterclaw. Cloudpaw shakes her head. Waterclaw sighed, "Okay..but please don't tell. I would be dead..." he begged. Cloudpaw nodded quickly. "Oh, thank you Cloudpaw. Bye Yellowtail and Purplepaw." called Waterclaw. They replied meowing and going back into the bush. As they reached camp and Orepaw tackled Cloudpaw. 

"Got you!" he cried happly. Cloudpaw sighed and pushed him off. "Cloudpaw? Are you okay?" he asked. Cloudpaw turned and nodded,

"Not in a playful mood though." as she entered a bush. Orepaw looked at Waterclaw.

"What happened? I demand an answer!" he growled. Waterclaw shoved him away, but Orepaw got back up and ran swiftly wobbling. "I asked," he panted, "What HAPPENED!" he scowled. Waterclaw sighed in anger,

"Nothing, leave me and don't ask---" he stopped and saw Orepaw's face. His teeth was showing, his jaws curved. 

"Don't ask? Why shouldn't I?" he bounded away quickly to the bush Cloudpaw went into. Waterclaw growled something in Blackpaw's ears. Blackpaw grinned and followed Orepaw. Cloudpaw was sitting next to a pond splashing at the water. She turned as she heard footsteps. Orepaw came out of the trees. Cloudpaw turned and sighed,

"Going to ask...I can't. I will be killed if---" Orepaw gasped.

"Killed? Did I hear you right?" he said sofly. Cloudpaw nodded. "Well, I am not letting anyone kill you, not even Tawny---I mean.." he stopped and blushed. Cloudpaw purred and stared at the water. Her stomach growled.

"Want to hunt?" she asked. Orepaw laughed bodly,

"First, tell me what you mean, then we go." Cloudpaw sighed as Orepaw curled up. After Cloudpaw explained what she saw, heard, and sniffed to Orepaw, his ears pricked. She finished and Orepaw stared. "You keep a secret, because of that mouse-brain?" growled Orepaw, "I'm going to report him to Featherstar." 

"Not so fast." boomed a voice. Waterclaw walked out of the trees. His eye shown anger. 

"W-W-W-Waterclaw....I-I-I-I'm sorry...I didn't mean---" Waterclaw unsheathed his claw, interrupting Cloudpaw's bothersome sorry. 

"That is enough, I trusted you. Now I should kill--or drown about Blackpaw kills Orepaw?" he grinned. Cloudpaw shivered. Crows standing on trees, ready for any meat to eat if a cat dies. "Ready set---" as Waterclaw was about to say strike, Yellowtail jumped in front of him. 

"What do you think your doing? Killing a apprentice, not mattering reason!" he growled. Waterclaw moved back a little. 

"Cloudpaw....our secret. Has been told..." he said quietly to Yellowtail in a sorrowful meow. 

"So?" she growled, "If I hadn't choose a understanding mate, would he say, 'Kill the two apprentices!'?" she asked and turned to Cloudpaw and Orepaw and nodded. Orepaw growled as Cloudpaw shivered. Waterclaw stopped the silence and whispering in Blackpaw's ear when they turned. Blackpaw nodded and leaped on Yellowtail. Waterclaw yowled a attack and came out more cats. Blackpaw clawed at Yellowtail, trying to get her throat. Cloadpaw helped Orepaw. When Lakepaw attacked Cloudpaw. 

"Get off of me!" cried Cloudpaw, she batted Lakepaw's belly. She screeched and leaped off Cloudpaw. She looked at Waterclaw who enjoyed watching the sight. She sneaked into a bush with made him turn. He looked at the battle, and caught no sight of her. He ran into the bush. Cloudpaw laid down in the middle of the big bush, then saw Waterclaw's paws walk 2 inches from her. She sighed quietly and got up to go into camp. 

As she walked into camp, Featherstar walked to her with eyes wide. 

"What happened? Most of the cats are gone," she looked at her carefully. "What happened to you?" she finished. She was about to speak until Waterclaw burst from a bush. I have a problem now great... thought Cloudpaw.

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