Chapter 13

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 A few moons later,

"Push Heart, push!" spoke Mapleflower. Cloudwhisker watched. This is how I was born. She smiled as the first kit fell on the moss. "Lightpaw! Lick!" called Mapleflower. Lightpaw padded to the kit and started to lick it. Purplepaw, who is next to Oreheart, show a face of disgust at him but then blushed a little as he stared at her. Heart screamed making Purplepaw leap,

"THE PAIN!! THE PAIN!" she yowled in pain. She unsheathed her claws into the moss she was on. Lightpaw finished licking the kit and laid it next to Heart. 

"Its a she-kit." he said to Heart. Heart nodded as the last kit fell onto the wet moss. Mapleflower looked at it. 

"I'm sorry Heart but. . ." she hesitated, ". . .This one is dead. Its a stillborn." Heart stared at the limp tom-kit's fur. She looked at Mapleflower. 

"He's still my tom." she quickly grabbed it away from Mapleflower and laid it next to her. She licked the kit. "If this kit doesn't wake up by my she-kit's apprentice ceremony, then he's dead." she kept licking it. Mapleflower nodded,

"It's your wish, not mine." she quickly gave her poppyseeds. Purplepaw looked at Cloudwhisker then at Lightpaw. Cloudwhisker spotted her,

"What's wrong?" she asked. 

"Well-" she spotted Lightpaw shooting a sharp glance at her. "I'm hungry, yeah. Hungry." she makes a weird deep grumbling sound and sprinted out of the den. She jumped into a bush and laid down, sobbing. "Oh Starclan, you really did it this time..." she heard a cat come up to her. It was Waterstar.

"What are you doing here? Trying to sneak to Deathclan I suspect?" she makes this weird melody, "Ah-ha-a-a-ah." and then swatted at Purplepaw. She leaped as Purplepaw cried. Lightpaw rushed out of the medicine den and leaped on Waterstar. 

"What did you do? What happened?" he was shaking. Purplepaw leaped out of the bush. She whimpered. Then, sped torward Lightpaw. 

"I'm-I'm fine...I'm uogh!" she coughed blood on the ground. She stumbled to the ground and coughed up more blood. It fell everywhere. Lightpaw smiled then frowned. 

"Its working," he whispered. "it really works." he leaped of Waterstar and walked to Purplepaw. "I'm your leader. . .you obey me!" he whispered in her right ear. Purplepaw's ears flicked and her eyes turned red. 

"Lightpaw, I'll follow you, by your command. . .forever as I live. . .Lightpaw." she spoke. 

"Great. . .now follow me!" he moved his mouth away from her ears and walked away. Purplepaw followed, wobbling. Waterstar watched,

"Now where do you think you two are going?" she commanded. Purplepaw turned to answer, her eyes yellow now. She grinned and replied,

"None of your-it isn't my command to say so," before Waterstar could replied she whispered. "your not my leader. . .not anymore." she ran up to Waterstar and slit her chest and ran to Lightpaw who disappeared into a bush. Waterstar closed her eyes, as she regain strength in Starclan to get one of her lives taken for losing to much blood. Purplepaw looked everywhere, seeing dead cats bodies startled her.

"You'll get used to it, go to the back of this large bush." he pointed his right paw to a corner that has rocks, "Climb on it, there is a den. Cats like you sleep there." As Purplepaw walked to the rocks, Lightpaw kept talking. "She's the last one I need," she stepped on the first few rocks. "this is amazing! Being leader will soon be mine. . ." she leaped onto the steps and started into the dark den. ". . .and once I get my hands on Oreheart, Cloudwhisker, and her kits," he growled as Purplepaw went inside the den.

"I'll kill them."

Purplepaw leaped and tumbled down the rocks. She slipped over a dead she-cat's old bone for the bottom jaw and tumbled into a bone collection for the ribs cages of rabbit. Purplepaw slowly crept out and repeated the two words fussily,

"K-K-Kill. . .them?" she shakes her head, it made her eyes turn normal, "You'll kill my friends? Why!?" she asked. Lightpaw turned, his left paw holding the tail bone of a dog. He dropped it on the ground and walked to Purplepaw, making her eyes turn yellow again. Lightpaw slammed his paw on her eye, making her tumble to the cracked ground.

"YOU do NOT ask ME questions, repeat!" he growled. Purplepaw got up and repeated sorrowfully,

"WE-do NOT ask. . ." she gulped and started to cry, ". . .YOU questions, re-pe-at-ed-ed-ed-d" she sobbed. Lightpaw went around her, his tail wiped her tears.

"Don't cry. . .I'm sorry. . .forgive me. . .but for now, go to sleep." he whispered, his tail now rapped around her front legs. She leaped onto the rocks and sprinted to the den. When she disappered into it Lightpaw muttered,

"I love you, Purplepaw. Do you love me?"

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