Chapter 16

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Cloudwhisker stood up, all the battling cats pausing at their battle positions. She looked at her back. It didn't have wings, but it had flowers shaped like wings. 

"Impossible!" growled Lightstrike. Then a flash in the sky made them look up. Something was falling down, fast. Cloudwhisker jumped and pushed Rainbowkit out of the way quickly before it hit the ground. It made a huge dust cloud. She heard cats cough and walk to it. Then something opened its eyes and a flash came, making cats tumble backwards. Lightstrike stepped backwards as the cat stepped forwards. The cat fully came out of the dust. The cat had wings and glowing light yellow eyes. It glared at Lightstrike. He growled but then got startled as the cat opened its wings.

"Lightstrike. . ." the cat growled. Lightstrike gulped.

"Yes. . .yes, yes, Purpleheart-" Purpleheart snapped back.

"I want to be called, Purplepaw. Now," she unshetted her claws. "lets battle." she leaped at him. Lightstrike did the same. The cats continued. Oreheart limped over to Stonekit. 

"Son." he shakes him. "Get up, get up, please." he started to cry. Stonekit turned,

"Half father and brother," he moved a little to Oreheart's ear. "I never die." then he laid down. Oreheart put his head carefully on Stonekit's limp body. He opened his eyes. It showed anger. He turned to Splashpelt, who was helping his old friend get up, Toothpaw. He leaped at her and bit her neck. Splashpelt gave a blood curling screech and fell down on the grass, Oreheart still clamped on her neck. He threw his head up and ripped lots of fur from her. She tried to scream but blood dripped rapidly from her mouth. Her blood matted the grass. It stopped to only dripping. Then, Splashpelt's body fell limp.

Lightstrike screamed and leaped at Oreheart and slashed his neck. Oreheart tumbled backwards and fell on the grass next to Splashpelt. Lightstrike licked the blood pouring from his neck. 

"Thanks." Lightstrike chuckled and cried, "Both of you are dead, I have a good collection to put you both. . .and a special on for you, Splashpelt my dear." he turned to see Purpleheart push him to the ground and claw one of his eyes. Lightstrike yelped and leaped out of her grasp. "Ugh, you always ruin my plans!" he growled. "I'm trying to make his forest a batter place."

Purpleheart's voice echoed,

"Well, your not doing-this is not even the right thing to do!" Lightstrike slashed her ear, making her fall to the ground. "Arhh...!" she cried. Lightstrike laughed.

"Your weak! And you'll stay like that." he walked away then Purpleheart opened her wings and grabbed Lightstrike into the sky. He was able to flip over and claw one of her wings and they dropped. It started raining. Lightstrike knew he wasn't on the ground he looked down and noticed, they were falling into a gorge. He looked at Purpleheart smiling and holding on to him. 

"Let go!" he growled. Purpleheart replied,

"No, I will never let go. Because," she put her mouth with Lightstrike's and kissed him. "I love you." Lightstrike looked at her and licked her, 

"I l-l-love you too." he said. Then, they hit the ground.

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