Chapter 9

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Cloudwhisker shivered, as rain blew inside the bush. The problem is that the wind can blow their scent and give it away to the dogs barking nearby. Cloudwhisker spoke,

"I'm scared, I don't want to leave my kits...please protect me. AHH!" she crouched as pain soaked through the body. "They-are-c..coming!" she grunted. Purplepaw flicked her tail at Oreheart. 

"You get the dogs distracted, your fast. Right?" asked Purplepaw. Oreheart nodded, shifting his body lower and disappearing into the fog that Cloudwhisker just noticed. 

"What is that fog?" Cloudwhisker shivers. Purplepaw replied,

"We are next to a swamp, mainly called 'Swamp Bay', this is where Springclan hunts fish. But, I guess its to foggy, anyway lets get to helping you have kits." Purplepaw grabbed a poppyseed, cobweb, moss, and a rabbit Oreheart hunted. In the distance, dogs were heard growling and whining then thunder strikes at a tree, making it fall where Oreheart and the dogs are. Cloudwhisker screeches. "Be quiet! I know it is painfully and the tree, you'll be fine, he will be fine-" Cloudwhisker yelps,

"Help me for the love of Starclan, they are going to burst!" Purplepaw put her paw on Cloudwhisker's belly. 

"Get ready to push..."

Cloudwhisker nodded, slowly closing her eyes and hearing thunder, rain, Oreheart screeching, and dogs trashing, whining, and fighting. 

"3, 2, 1....push!" ordered Purplepaw. Cloudwhisker unsheathed her claws as she push. She felt something come out of her and twisted her head enough to she a white she-kit with a sky-blue underbelly. Purplepaw put the she-kit in front of her, licking all the texture of sack off of the kit. The kit mewed, showing she was alive and looked for warm milk. Purplepaw carried her and laid her next to Cloudwhisker. Cloudwhisker purrs as her she-kit finds the suckling spot and drinks her milk. Oreheart rushed inside the bush, his fur soaked in blood. Only a few scars only the biggest on being two inches wide,

"Its a white she-kit....shes beautiful." whispered Oreheart. The kit mewed. Cloudwhisker grunted again. Purplepaw laid a poppyseed next to her, Cloudwhisker ate it quickly. Grunting as she was told to push by Purplepaw. The next kit came out, only to be a gray tom with black paws. Purplepaw let Cloudwhisker lick him out of the silk sack that she needs for vitamin, 

"Name them. One of you name your own gender." Purplepaw mewed, landing prey next to Cloudwhisker. She handled Oreheart as soon as he named the tom, "Stonekit.", and Cloudwhisker naming the she-kit, "Diamondkit." They rested though the storm. Cloudwhisker woke up to Diamondkit mewing. "Oh kit...I love you too. Purplepaw?" she shook Purplepaw, she slowly got up and look at her.

"What wrong....I gotta mmm....what?" she yawned. Cloudwhisker rolled her eyes and sighed,

"When are we leaving? We have a prophecy right?" she got up and sat down, making the kits roll on her tail. She gave out a meow of approval. Purplepaw opened her eyes,

"Yes! The prophecy! You need to rest so maybe," she yawned. "at sun-high?" she curled up. Cloudwhisker replied,

"Yes, of course.."

She laid besides her kits. She thought about Heart and her father, Dawnleap. Tawnystar killed Dawnleap! She was so furious as an apprentice that later she killed him. Cloudwhisker shivered.  Then she remembered that Oreheart named Stonekit 'Stone' when they already had a tom in her Clan named, 'Stone'. "Oreheart, get up." she snapped. He got up and twisted to her. 

"Hm.....?" he asked, quietly. Cloudwhisker snapped back making him tip over.

"Why did you name Stonekit 'Stone' when we already have 'Stone'paw?"


"What?! Because what?! Why?!" she screeched making Stonekit. Oreheart yelled to make her stop.

"BECAUSE HES DEAD, MY BROTHER THAT IS AN APPRENTICE IS DEAD!" he jumped out of the bush and climbed on a tree laying down on a wet moss that got soaked during the storm. Cloudwhisker tears swelled up as she screeches, 


She wakes up, panting and makes her neck snap. "OW!" Oreheart looked at her. 

"What the Starclan?" he asked, "You woke me up, I was in fish land." he smiles. Cloudwhisker only coughed. Oreheart knew that see didn't want to talk, so before he says something Cloudwhisker, starts talking.

"Stonepaw is dead. Thats why you named Stonekit 'Stone'. Which means that Stonepaw is your brother that he is now Stonepaw all over again." she looks at him with tears streaming down her face. Oreheart got up and licked her tears. 

"Shh shh crying love, I understand." he whispered. "Purplepaw is out getting herbs...she'll be back. Heard about the prophecy?" 

Cloudwhisker laid down,

"Yeah, Blood and Water with a big splash.." she mummered. "I know Waterclaw is in this. Who is Blood?" she protest. "And who is a big 'splash'?" Oreheart thought for a moment.

"Yes, I only know who Waterclaw. I don't know Blood. I don't know Splash." he finally answered. He laid down and thought about his brother. He doesn't know is big brother's name. His little brother is gone. His mother and father is too. Now he only has Cloudwhisker and his two kits, and Purplepaw helping with the prophecy. He tapped his paws slowly. He was bored. Purplepaw entered the bush.

Oreheart quickly answered her appearance, "Can we start? I want these battles to end." Purplepaw looked at Cloudwhisker as she was licking her kits slowly. She nodded at Purplepaw. 

"Lets go." Purplepaw replied.

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