Chapter 14

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Cloudwhisker awoke. She stared into the clearing. "Do you-" she yawned. "want prey?" Diamondkit leaped and shook Stonekit. He turned to her, his eyes drowsy.

"What?" he whined, "I'm tired. . ." Diamondkit whispered in his ear, her gently.

"Want some prey?" she smiled. Stonekit leaped,

"Yes I do!"

They ran to the clearing. Diamondkit bumped into a tom. She looked up and gulped and closed her eyes waiting for a harsh scowl. But, she heard Oreheart's soft voice,

"Oh Diamondkit, be careful. . .not everything you do is-supposed to he playful." he touched noses with Diamondkit and walked out of camp. Cloudwhisker smiled. 

"Here it is," she said. "the prey pile." Stonekit picked up and small mouse and munched on it.

"Mmmm. . ." he cried, "This is delicious!" he looked at Diamondkit who just finished gulping her squirrel. Purplepaw approached them.

"Hello. . .C-Cloudwhisker. . ." she coughed. Cloudwhisker smiled,

"Your-" Purplepaw walked away. "tired?" she finished, she frowned. She saw Purplepaw walk into the apprentice den and heard a soft thump. She's tired. . .I'll give her some rest. she thought carefully. She remembered when Mapleflower spoke to her about cats disappearing after she set into the journey. Her thoughts were stopped by Oreheart. 

"Hello, Cloudwhisker." he licked her and smiled, "How are you? I'm bored." he shuffled his paws. Cloudwhisker chuckled,

"I guess we could go out hunting. . .if-if you really want." she stood up. Oreheart's eyes lit up. 

"Actually I want to patrol," he suggested. "we haven't done that in a while." he walked outside the camp.  Cloudwhisker followed closely. A few moments later, Oreheart started talking about the upcoming battle that he, Cloudwhisker, and Purplepaw will complete soon. ". . .I'm just-very confused. . .I never thought I'd be chosen." he shivered. Cloudwhisker sniffed the air,

"Do you smell that?" she asked. Oreheart sniffed,

"It's blood? Oh-I smell Lightpaw!" he ran into a den. In front of it were cat skeletons, posed like they were welcoming someone in. "Lightpaw is here, we got to find him." whispered Oreheart. They entered and there they saw. . .lots of dead cats. They were ripped open from the belly, eyes pried out, and skeletons ripped out. Oreheart saw Toothpaw's body there, next to two she-cats. Oreheart realized that whoever is doing this doesn't only kill warriors it kills any kind of cat. He leaped as he saw a open belly of a she-cat, her kits bellies also pried out. Then spotted Lightpaw sleeping.

"Lightpaw!" shreked Cloudwhisker. Lightpaw woke up with a thud by slamming his head on a skull. 

"Ouch. . ." Lightpaw growled. His eyes widened, "Cloudwhisker, Oreheart. Just the two I wanted. . .attack!" he yowled. Cats leaped out of dens. Cloudwhisker yelped as a tom clawed at her belly. Oreheart leaped out and looked at Cloudwhisker. She whispered,

"Run, run, go get help, run, run, don't look swepted." 

Oreheart stepped back, than ran. Leaving Cloudwhisker, then. . .the impossible happened. Oreheart leaped inside camp. 

"Waterstar, please help!" he cried. Waterstar came out of the den, her eyes warry. 

"What.  .  . " she yawned, ". . .Do you want-" Her eyes opened.

"HURRY, CLOUDWHISKER AND I NEED HELP. NOW! CA-PESH!" he scowled. Waterstar called quickly,

"All cats warriors and apprentices! Weak and strong, please follow me and Oreheart. Queens, Elders, Kits, and Mapleflower and Lightpaw, stay!" he ran as cats followed him. Mapleflower came out of her den, she fixed a flower on her head and whispered, 

"But, Lightpaw isn't here. . ."

Oreheart paused next to the den, 

"Here. . .what?" he gasped. He saw the cats on the floor. He did not see Cloudwhisker. "Cloudwhisker!" he shouted. Purplepaw ran inside the den. 

"Purplepaw, no!" screamed Stormpaw, Purplepaw's newest tom friend. They waited while, staring into the dark cave. Waterstar spotted and called out,

"Cloudwhisker! She's coming out, help her!" Cloudwhisker limped towards the crowd of cats. Oreheart ran up to her and licked her head. 

"What happened, tell me please." he whispered. Waterstar walked up to him,

"Give her time to rest. When she is ready, tell me, I'll need to be hearing this to." he landed Cloudwhisker a lift. While they waited for Purplepaw. Lightpaw appeared,

"I'm now named," he called, "Lightstrike!" he smirked at Cloudwhisker and Oreheart. Then looked at Stormpaw and snapped at him, "She's mine and is named Purpleheart now!" then turned to Oreheart and Cloudwhisker then stared into their eyes as he knock over a rock and spoke deeply, "See you cats in battle!" Before Oreheart could leap at him. All the rocks fell in front of the cave. All the cats gasp.

"The war has begun. . ." replied Oreheart, he then smiled. ". . .Come and get us!"

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