Chapter 5

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Cloudpaw stared at Waterclaw, he was covered in blood. He padded to Featherstar and sat speaking to her,

"We...we were attacked, Cloudpaw-led this..." he stammered. Featherstar growled. Cloudpaw put her ears down as Featherstar approached her.

"She did nothing!" scowled a voice. They turned, instead of Orepaw, it was Blackpaw. "Waterclaw led, this...after Orepaw finding out that his mate is in---" Blackpaw paused to looked at Waterclaw. His teeth bared. Blackpaw sighed, "Deathclan, Yellowtail...I am sorry Waterclaw." he finished silently. The rain started falling. Cloudpaw winced as Featherstar turned to Waterclaw. He backed away.

"I am sorry---" Featherstar interrupted his excuse.

"I am not pleased-leave now....and if we see you," Featherstar growled, "You're dead, go to Deathclan. That is where your mate-Yellowtail is right?"

"Featherstar! Please!" cried Blackpaw. Cloudpaw shot angry as at Blackpaw, the first time she did it to him. Has Blackpaw lose Cloudpaw's trust? Waterclaw grabbed Blackpaw and ran away. Orepaw came out of a bush, limping to Cloudpaw. His eyes and front paw hurting. All the other cats returned too. They mummer a sorry to the cats they attacked. Cloudpaw nodded as Orepaw approached to her. He was holding something in his jaws, he dropped it. Cloudpaw gasped. It was Toothpaw. 

"What are you doing here?" asked Featherstar. Toothpaw gasped for breath and looked up at her. Instead of his clear handsome face, it had a scar on his nose and his right eye. He answered,

"We---" Cloudpaw shivered as Featherstar growled,

"We? Who is we?" she demended.

"Me, Silvereye, Leapstripe, and the others....we ask, if we can join together..." 

"Of course!" purred Featherstar. Cloudpaw gasped. Was featherstar really letting them in? As Toothpaw was about to turn, Featherstar grumbled at him.

"I'm kidding, I will not accept you and your clan left the clan, ran away...this is-your choice and fate." she proclaimed. She turned away from Toothpaw. He didn't move until cats started running towards him. He disappeared into a bush. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey, come under the high rocks for a Clan meeting!" she yowled. All the cats gathered around. "This moon, was a rough one....and I am here to say. That Waterclaw was exiled." she explained. Maplecream winced a little for her kin has been exiled. Omenclaw conferred her. Featherstar continued a short while after whispering and gasps, "Cloudpaw and Orepaw were attacked by some of you, forced by Waterclaw, and also he took with him, Blackpaw." --Cloudpaw blinked a little staring at Orepaw, he was not grinning but frowning--"As I will announce---" a screech came from outside camp. Featherstar leaped of high rocks to go to the screech. Others joined.

Outside camp was Deathclan, clawing Leafmilk, Lakepaw, and Silverpaw. Waterclaw and Blackpaw were seen and Featherstar leaped for them. 

"Oh no!" cried Blackpaw. Waterclaw turned only to feel his head pounded to the ground. He saw Blackpaw pinned by Cloudpaw. Leafmilk was attacked many times because she was expecting. They keep clawing and trying to bite her underbelly. She was helped by Shadowclaw and Omenclaw. Killstar leaped onto Cloudpaw. 

"Get of me!" she yelped. Killstar pinned her. Then, let his claws come out from his paws. He slowly cut down Cloudpaw's belly. Cloudpaw was getting dizzy. But before she could close her eyes. Featherstar leaped onto Killstar with Orepaw grabbing her and running away with her in the battle, as a few Deathclan cats chase after them. Then, she closed her eyes. She opened them a few hours later at sun-down. Orepaw saw her.

"Orepaw..." said Cloudpaw. Orepaw started crying. 

"Don't go!" he begged.

"I'm not going...I'm fine. Just healing." she got up slowly and looked at her underbelly. It had a little scar. Orepaw licked it. "It is okay, stop it!" she swatted Orepaw with her paw lightly. He rubbed it his face. "Where are we?" asked Cloudpaw. Orepaw sat and sighed,

"Far away, in the mountains---" Orepaw was cut off with Cloudpaw's exclaim. 

"What!?" she screeched. Orepaw calmed her,

"Not to worry...maybe some other clan can help us, like Springclan." he protested. Cloudpaw nodded slowly. 

"Your my hero," purred Cloudpaw, "Orepaw.." she said. Orepaw blushed, then crouched,

"Get on."

"Okay, Orepaw!" She leaped onto his back carefully. He stood up. 

"We will have to cross Thunderpath to get to Springclan." whispered Orepaw. Cloudpaw shrugged.

"How is that a problem?"

"There is many predators here, we have to be quick." Before Cloudpaw can say something else, Orepaw sprinted quickly. "Cling on, we are close." exclaimed Orepaw, a few minutes later. Cloudpaw nodded slowly. No wonder they couldn't chase him for long... thought Cloudpaw. He jolted to a stop at the edge of the Thunderpath. One car whizzed in front of them. It made a loud drum nose then faded. Orepaw again sprinted. They passed the Thunderpath before another car whizzed by again. They approached Springclan territory. 

"Why is it far from us?" asked Cloudpaw. Orepaw answered sweetly,

"They don't battle. They only hunt and protect." 


They approached the camp to see a apprentice walk to them. It looked like Blackpaw, but darker with longer hair. 

"Hello." the tom said, "Is you two to be welcomed?" he asked. Orepaw nodded. The tom smiles.

"Follow me-my name is Mousepaw." Orepaw followed him into camp. In the darkness, cats still roamed. He entered a den. Orepaw entered too. Inside it was much lighter. Stones were glowing. "Over here...inside this hole." whispered Mousepaw. They entered to see a dark-pink she-cat. "These cats mean no harm." answered Mousepaw, he turned leaving them and the she-cat alone.

"Hello fellow apprentices! I'm Lovestar, leader of Springclan. Also the most calmest clan you will meet." Orepaw set Waterpaw down gently. 

"Well, we are from Summerclan," explained Orepaw. He explained everything. 

" can sleep here. In this den, live here for a few moons..then we'll take you back to your Clan, deal?" answered Lovestar. Orepaw nodded. Cloudpaw yawned quietly as they sleep on untouched moss.

They woke up the next morning at Sun-rise, Orepaw woke up. 

"Hm.....Cloudpaw should sleep more..I will explore." he sat up and started walking outside the den. He exited and looked around. Some cats looked at him but then turned away. 

"Hello again."

Orepaw leaped and turned, only to see Mousepaw with a warrior next to him. "I did I scare you?" he asked. Orepaw nodded looking at the tom next to Mousepaw. He snarled a bit then smiled again. 

"Hello, Orepaw. Mousepaw told me about you." he said. Orepaw nodded slowly. "Well," he started, "I'm Rainwisp, Mousepaw's mentor." Orepaw nodded again, but quickly. Rainwisp turned away with Mousepaw by his side. Oh Tawnyfur, you could never be this nice... thought Orepaw. He was interrupted by a tom shaking him. He looked up. It was a orange tabby. 

"AH!" Orepaw leaped up, screeching. The tom stepped back.

"Whoa, calm down. I'm just a tom..." the ore tabby replied. Orepaw looked up. The tabby looked strong and fierce. "My name is Longleap, I will show you around camp." Orepaw nodded gently. "Please, be quiet if we are in the nursery or medicine cat's den." he whispered. He got up and started walking away. Orepaw followed. Another day... Orepaw thought.

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