Chapter 12

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Cloudwhisker growled as Oreheart and Purplepaw protected the kits. 

"Yes." said the animal, "I'm a dog, my name is, Galaxy." she flicked her tail. "You have come into the prophecy room," her eyes turned purple with a mixture of blue and white. "What is you prophecy's name?" she asked.

Cloudwhisker replied,

"I-Its, Thunderstrike..." she shivered as Galaxy's paw touch the air and moved. 

"Yes, Purplepaw, Oreheart, and Cloudwhisker. Your kits Diamondkit and Stonekit, who aren't a part of the prophecy. Right?" she asked. They nodded. Diamondkit opened her eyes and they glowed. Stonekit flicked his ears and they glowed too. "Okay, one of my apprentice will take you to the Lake of Moonshard." her eyes turned back to white and she twisted her tail. A cat came out.

"I'm Sunny." the apprentice said. "I'll be taking you to the Lake of Moonshard." she padded close to them and motioned to follow her. They follow to hear Galaxy reply, "Next!". They reached at the back of the dens to see now holes. Cloudwhisker spotted on one called, Stone of Lemonstool. She then spotted Lake of Moonshard as Sunny entered it. The kits jumped in after her, then Purplepaw and Oreheart leaped into the hole, and Cloudwhisker jumped in. They landed on leaves. Moonshard pricked her ears and turned her head to them. 

"Aye. It is Oreheart, Cloudwhisker, Purplepaw, and their kits." she motioned Sunny away and she left. "Now, you've found me. What's your problem?" she asked. Purplepaw spoke,

"We need to save the clans, we need help." she looked down at her paws. Moonshard chuckled,

"I'll give you some improvements. Oreheart step forward," Oreheart stepped forward and knelt. "You'll be given the strength of fighting, you'll be able to defeat almost every cat." she used her paw to touch his head. He winced as Diamondkit hid behind Cloudwhisker. Moonshard did Purplepaw, (She got healing) Cloudwhisker, (She got speed) and her kits who was told to always shine bright. "You may go home.." Moonshard finally said. She waved her paw at them and they closed their eyes. They opened their eyes, only to be in their camp entrance. 

"We are home." whispered Oreheart. He tapped his paws as he always did. He made sure this wasn't fake, and they were acctully home. They heard a cats voice and listened. The voice had sorrow. They couldn't make out the words but knew that it was a young she-cat. Cloudwhisker took a step and looked into the camp entrance, there she saw. Stonepaw was on the ground, dead, his neck had a huge gash, his eyes rolled up into the back of his head. Stonekit gasped,

"Thats me. Me killed by, by I don't remember." Oreheart looked at Stonekit with a sorrow expression in his eyes. "But, I do remember, it was a long she-cat from Waterclan, how do I know. She said, 'Next time, don't kill my leader!' then she slashed my neck and I was sent to Starclan, and here I'm here." he spatted at a rock next to him. The sobbing she-cat that was crying, heard it and turned around. She screeched,

"Oreheart and Cloudwhisker are back! I'm not kidding!" they all turned and saw them. Cloudwhisker look as she saw their puzzled expression. She spoke,

"I'm back?"

They all ran to her to ask questions. They stopped as they saw Purplepaw she look at the ground and spoke,

"I helped them escape the battle, I am from Deathclan, yes, but I wish to join you if possible." her tail laid on the ground. The cats all looked at Waterstar.     

"Your're welcomed, but to be truly welcomed, you must show dignity and pride and--" Purplepaw stopped her.

"I'm a prophecy with Oreheart and Cloudwhisker, oh and these little kittens are Stonekit and Diamondkit. They are Cloudwhisker's and Oreheart's kits. We have come to save the clans from Blood, Water, and Splash, soon." she said. The cats stared.

Waterstar spoke,

"Sure, don't be a threat." she snapped. Cats gathered around Oreheart and Cloudwhisker. Purplepaw walked away. She sees a tom in the distance, looking at her. 

"Hi....come here.." the tom whispered. Purplepaw walks to the tom. The tom comes out. It is Lightpaw. "Hello, Purplepaw.." he put his paws together. Purplepaw replies sternly,

"Why would a cat like you, be in the shadows?"

Lightpaw came out. His fur glittering with blood. Purplepaw gasped. "Have . . . you kill any cat?" she whispered. Lightpaw jumped out of the bush and pushed her inside it. She looked around, dead cats were hung on tree branches. Purplepaw gasped as she saw Yellowtail hung. "You killed my mother!" she cried. She turned to run. But, Lightpaw stopped her. 

"I'll kill you too," he growled at her. She stared. "unless, you become my mate." he whispered bitterly. Purplepaw sighed as she had no choice. 

"Fine, I'll be your mate." she started to the exit of bush but then stopped and added, "And I won't tell anyone." she then exited the den.

"Good. Or else, I kill you you!" he whispered to himself.

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