Chapter 17

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Lightstrike choked. He was impaled in the chest. She slowly looked at Purpleheart. Her wings were crumbled. He focused on her swollen belly. 

Purpleheart opened her eyes and stood up weakly. She heard cats coming. She looked at Lightstrike. 

 " Our kits will live - " she purred to Lightstrike. She saw him blink happily then closed his eyes. His body went limp as soon as they reached and that's when she blacked out.

Cloudwhisker looked at the three dead bodies. She gasped and gasped while crying. She laid her head on Stonekit. 

" You'll forever, be my little kit. " she promised her dead tomkit. She looked at her mate and cried harder. She kicked Splashpelt's body away from him and sunk her face into his limp puffy chest. " I will never get another mate, " she cried. " as you, were my number one. " She looked at  the dead leader. She ran to it and closed her eyes, tears falling onto the limp, cold, bloody dark blue leader.  " I will protect the Clan, if I'm choosen for leader - " she heard a voice and turned.

" I agree. " said Silverpaw. She bowed to Cloudwhisker. Cloudwhisker ears pirked as she heard cats behind her repeat the same thing. She looked at them as they bowed. Others join. She gasped surprise as they all said the same thing at the same time - many voices being mixed.

" I wish to Starclan, that Cloudwhisker becomes the new leader of Springclan and Summerclan. " 

Her ears flicked as she heard her name many times. She smiled a little.
" I promise to lead Summerclan and Springclan. With respect and honer. " She purred.

" Cloudstar! " Mapleflower yowled. Purpleheart grunted in pain as a kit fell into the miss next to her. Cloudstar ran into the medicine den. " UM. . .PURPLEHEART, " Mapleflower gasped as she had her last kit. " is going to - " Cloudstar rushed to her friend; tears were already forming as the kits mewed and Purpleheart breathed slightly. Cloudstar panted.

" Don't leave me! " She cried. Purpleheart looked at the upset leader.
" Promise me one thing. . . " She said weakily. Cloudstar nodded and put her face in Purpleheart's chest. " Protect the Clan. . . " She said. She started repeating it as her voice got low and faint. Soon she stopped. Cloudstar ran out of the den and ran on top of High Rock. It started to rain. She flicked her ear at a voice.

" Protect the Clan, for me. . . "

She voice faded away. She looked up and screeched at the sky.



Shinestar--ginger she-cat with brown pelt and blue-silver eyes


Shadefawn--Gray-Blue tom pelt with silver tail

Medicine Cat

Mapleflower--Peach she-cat with a flower shape on her pupils

Apprentice, Lightpaw

Warriors (Toms and she-cats without kits)

Dawnleap--Dawn pelt tom with yellow stripes and eyes

Apprentice, Silverpaw

Silvereye--Silver she-cat with blue eyes

Apprentice, Toothpaw

Waterclaw--Gray tom with Ivy eyes

Lilynose--Tortoiseshell she-cat

Apprentice, Blackpaw

Flowershade--Brown Creamy she-cat

Stormfeather--Matted Orange tom

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