You Find Out He's Gay- Ac⚡️Dc

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For @AlanaMit996

Bon: You were running around your apartment trying to find Bon. He took your favorite pair of sunglasses and you needed them for a date. You two were roommates and best friends since the sixth grade. You tried dating the year after high school but it was awkward. It felt like incest because you were so close.

You walked past the bathroom and heard moaning. "Bon if you are gonna screw a girl in our bathroom at least give me a warning," you whispered to yourself.

You realized that one voice belonged to Bon, but the other was a lot deeper. You cocked your eyebrow and put your ear to the door (you perv). You recognized the deeper voice now, it was your other best friend Brian.

*Fifteen minutes later*

Bon walked out of the bathroom fixing his hair. Brian was trailing behind him.

"Uhm. (Y/N) whe-when did ja get he-here?" Bon blushed looking towards Brian.

"You two are a thing. Mal owes me five dollars. Just don't have sex in places we use communally," you rolled your eyes and got off the chair.

You kissed Bon's cheek and pinched Brian's nose. Brian just stared dumbfounded. Bon saluted and pulled Bri into his room.
Phil: You and him were throwing rocks in a lake near your houses in tenth grade. You wiped your hands on your shorts and stood up offering a hand.

"Bon told me you like me. Is it true?"

The suddenness of the question enveloped you two in silence.

"Am I getting an answer?" You said pushing hair out of his eyes.

He looked at you, "Nah, not like that." His voice lowered, "I don't like any girls."

"So you're gay?" You cocked an eyebrow.

Phil looked at his feet, "Yeah?"

"Ok cool," you smiled, "I'll need to beat the crap outta Bon."

He batted his eyes, "You don't care?"

"Nah man, I still love ya like a brother," you giggled slinging your arm around his shoulder, "We can talk about hot dudes together!"

You pumped your fist in the air, making him laugh. Chuckling you two made your way to Phil's.


Angus: You and Angus ran down the school's hallway attempting to not get caught skipping the final period. Angus was eighteen and you were seventeen. The bell rang just as you hopped out the door. You jogged to Angus' car, a 1967 Chevrolet Impala. Swinging open the doors, you buckled in and drove away not looking back.

It was the last day of school and the start of summer. Angus was officially an adult and out of the hell called school forever. You had a year left but you didn't mind as long as you could be with Angus. You've had the biggest crush on his brother Malcolm and loved hanging out with the boys. They didn't treat differently because you were a girl, which was good except on your period.

"Time to start an adventure, June 19th, 1972 is officially ours!" Angus yelled pulling out of the school parking lot.

You laughed wholeheartedly, "Yes it is my dear sir."

You drove to the quarry, an hour drive at least. You kept pondering if Angus was 'queer'. He would stare at guys in your algebra class, constantly. Mention how your crushes were sexy or some shit like that.

"Are you gay," you said bluntly.

He kept his eyes on the road, "Yes."

His response was more blunt than yours. You pondered whether he was serious. Knowing Angus, he was not lying to you you have known each other for almost fifteen years.

He smiled, "Are you fine with it?"

"Duh, of course I am!" You laughed smacking the back of his head, "Let's go swimmin' now!"
Cliff: You looked for your boyfriend Cliff. It was after his first gig with AC/DC and you were excited to see him. You ran up to him giving him a hug.

Cliff looked clearly uncomfortable, "We need to talk."

"Oh. Okay," you said pulling him into his dressing room.

"Look it's not you it's me. I-i think,"

You cocked and eyebrow, "You're breaking up with me."

He shook his head, "Yes and no? I think I'm gay (Y/N)."

You felt tears in your eyes. You went to get up and leave. Cliff grabbed your wrist.

"I didn't fake anything I've said over the past year though."

You looked him in the eye, "What?"

"I meant what I've said over the past year. I still love you, just differently than sex and stuff," Cliff smiled.

"That's good, I'll always love you in that way too," You giggled.

You two hugged and laughed. It all ended better than expected.
Malcolm: You and him stood in the pouring rain with milkshakes. You were coming home from Prom. You and him went to a diner afterwards. Your dress and Malcolm noticed you were shivering. He gave you his jacket.

Malcolm laughed, "I wonder how many people think we're together?"

"Yeah, both of our dates dumped us," you giggled, "It was meant to be!" You batted your eyes.

You two laughed, you pushed hair out of his eyes. He smiled at you. Your makeup ran down your face and he wiped it with his shirt sleeve.

"Hey there's something in the inner pocket o the jacket, I-uh want ya to read it," Malcolm sighed.

You felt through the pocket and grabbed it. He turned away as you read it.

"I don't know exactly how to say this but, I'm queer. At this time I'd like you to hug me or rip the paper. Thank you :)"

You grinned and hugged him tight.

"You're still my best soulmate," you giggled.

Malcolm sighed, "So are you."

I feel like this was terrible lol.

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