How You Met - The Who

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(oof i'm so bad at updates omggggg)

Your older sister had been talking about her new boyfriend for a week now. You were a year younger, 16. While Eliza was 17. She had a knack for stealing your boyfriends. So you just had no interest in anyone.

Your mom knocked on the door, "(Y/N) Eliza's boyfriend is here. Are you coming down for dinner?"

"No," you rolled your eyes although she couldn't see it.

"(Y/F/N) come down for dinner," your mom sighed, "Or do you know and hate this poor boy already?"

"No. I just don't care," you groaned, "I have homework anyways."

"(Y/N)-" Your mom walked away, knowing she couldn't win.

You could hear them downstairs. The guy was there for a little over an hour. You thought you heard him leave so you ran downstairs. Your sister and mom were outside talking, while the boy sat awkwardly in the kitchen.

"Oh," Your eyes widened, "Sorry."

He looked up at you, "Hi. Have we met?"

"Nah," you looked down.

"Well... I'm Pete," he smiled.

You bit your lip, "I'm (Y/N)..."

"I like your shirt," he pointed at your Buddy Holly shirt.

You smiled, "Thanks Pete."

And after that, you stole your sister's boyfriend.

You sat on the steps leading into your university. You had just grabbed some lunch, grabbed your sketch book, and started drawing. A guy was sitting a little further down the stairs from you. He had short blonde hair and was wearing a Union Jack coat.

After almost ten minutes you finished the drawing of him. With a deep breath, you cleaned up all of your things. You walked down to give him his picture. You tapped his shoulder, his head snapped to you. He smiled and you returned the smile.

"I er- saw ya sittin' down 'ere and I drew ya," You handed him the small paper.

He patted the step next to him, "Woah! This is amazing..."

You laughed, "Thanks. You go 'ere?"

"No, I'm just waiting for my friend," he smiled, "Do you?"

"Yeah, I'm studyin' engineering, doin' a man's job. As my family says," you nod.

He grinned warmly, "Roger Daltrey."

"(Y/N) (L/N)," you shook his hand.

After a while of chitchat you learned more about Rog. Like his band The Detours, his actually curly hair, and his phone number. Once you parted ways, you had a new friend, Roger Harry Daltrey.

It was your first day at a new Junior High School. You struggled to open your locker. The boy next to you took notice and reached over.

He smiled, "What's your combination?"

"Uh, 13... 65, 20," You sighed, frustrated.

He entered the code and the locker popped open. He grinned at you, then returned to emptying his backpack. You stood in shock. You had been there for a solid ten minutes trying to open it. You sighed and put your bag in. The boy tapped your shoulder gently.

"Do you need help getting around?"

You nodded, "Yeah..."

Turns out you and him mostly had the same classes. You and him were a lot alike too. You were both into lots of music and were really hyperactive. You two quickly became the best of friends. It even got to the point where both of your parents trusted you to have sleepovers.

Your friend invited you to a party. It was the most fun you'd had in a loooong time. You were so busy snorting coke that you didn't notice the guy across from you. You winked at him. As did he.

"Hi," you finished the line, "You're the bass player huh? John Entwistle?"

He nodded, "What gave it away?"

"Maybe cause I slept with Pete..." you smirked, sitting back.

John he laughed, wiping his nose with his sleeve, "Well you know me. Who are you?"

"(Y/N)..." You grinned, "Wanna blowjob?"

He smirked, "Nah, let me take you to dinner first."

You just snorted, shaking your head. You did a second line and popped back up. You then realized he was serious.

"Oh shit," You stared, "Really?"

He shrugged, "Why not. You seem like a sweet bird."

You chuckled, "Sure."

You spent the whole night talking, having a little fun. He danced with you and got you drinks. It was sweet, really sweet. You ended up going home with him. After that, dating was inevitable.

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