He Comes Home From A Tour~Guns N' Roses

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This is for Rockgirl100

Axl: You ran to Axl's terminal. After about twelve people got off the plane you began to worry that you had the wrong one. You glanced down at a paper and reread it. It was stated that you were at the right one. You bit your nails while waiting for your fiancé. As you looked up you saw the fire red mane and ran towards it. Axl saw you and as you were about to reach him he picked you up and spun you around.

"Hey, babe!" Axl said still hugging you. His green eyes were bright in comparison to the photos you saw in the magazines. "I missed ya!"

"I missed you too!" You said giggling hiding in your sweater.

"It's good to be back," he laughed, "now I just wanna sleep!"

"Oh just you wait," you growled in his ear, "it'll be awhile before that!"

Slash: You were half asleep on your couch trying to stay awake until your boyfriend got home. You had one of his sweatshirts on. You loved the smell of him. The Jack Daniels, Old Spice, and cigarettes. You were hungry so you went to the kitchen to order some late night Chinese food.

You tried to reach the menu's, but Slash always did that for you. You saw a hand grab a menu. You opened your mouth and spun around.

"Hiya baby," Slash said tenderly leaning in and kissing you.

"Hello," you growled nibbling his ear. You wrapped your legs around his waist while your arms were around his neck. He walked into the bedroom and you two fucked into oblivion. At least you ate something.
Izzy: You smiled as you sorted through pictures of you and your husband. You looked through the polaroids. You saw many from your wedding day. You smiled seeing one picture of Axl and Izzy smiling at each other with you between them. You were Axl's twin sister after all.

You heard a knock on your bedroom door. You put the box under your bed and slid to the door.

You rolled your eyes and pulled open the door, "Axl I swear to god if you're trying to take my camera you are so dea- oh hey baby."

"Was not expecting that, but hello darlin," Izzy chuckled.

You two kissed as Axl, very tiredly, walked down the hallway, "Oh my god, get a room. Also don't fuck each other on my couch ever again please!" Axl screeched waddling down the hall.

You rolled your eyes, "Welcome home Iz."

"Thanks babe," his voice got lower, "be extra loud tonight baby."

The rest of the night you had a permanent blush and could not hold a conversation with Axl.
Duff: You were lying in bed watching a rom-com. You were three months pregnant with Duffs baby and ready for him to come back home. You missed him even though he was only gone for a three week European tour. Every night since he found out you were pregnant and before he left he had drawn out conversations with Bean. Slash and Steven nicknamed them Bean after a round of three AM tacos.

You were getting tired so you turned off the TV set. As you switched off the light you rubbed your stomach and told Bean goodnight. Before you could fall asleep you felt weight on the other side of the bed.

"Hello (Y/N), and Bean," Duff smiled wrapping an arm around your waist.

You spun around and kissed his nose, "I love you."

The two of you cuddled while he spoke softly to the baby, until Slash threw a shoe at the wall and told Duff to shut up. It resulted in a the two men screaming at each other. You broke it up by grabbing them both by the ear and dragging them to their respective rooms.
Steven: You were all sweaty from coming home from the gym with Axl's girlfriend. You let her get a shower first because she was picking up Axl at the airport. When she was done you said goodbye to her and headed to the bathroom.

You undressed and turned the spicket to the hot. You let the hot water rush over you. The door clicked open, you shrunk to the corner of the shower.

"(Y/N)?" You heard Steven call out.

You sighed knowing it was him, "It's me!"

He opened the door and admired your body. "Damn. What a babe I got!"

"Welcome home, ya pervert," you giggled.

Steven undressed and hopped into the shower. You two made out in the shower for an hour. The guys were all pissy after you used all the hot water.

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