How You Started Dating- The Rolling Stones

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Mick: You slammed the door of your apartment. Your now ex boyfriend was still cursing you out from behind the door. Crying, you screamed for him to leave you alone. After a few minutes he left you alone. Sobbing you walked to your telephone. Eyes filled with tears, you dialed you're best friends number.

"Mick? Can you come over?" You said holding back even more tears.

"I'm on my way (Y/N)." He hung up.

You got into comfortable clothes and waited a few minutes for Mick. You heard a knock on the door and wiped away your tears. You opened the door, Mick and you stood there for a while. He eventually threw himself on top of you and stroked your hair.

"Tell me what happened darling," he kissed the top of your head.

"Aiden was screwing someone else," you cried even harder.

He held you tight, "I promise to love you better than him, no matter what."

You looked up slowly and pecked his lips. He pushed back more aggressively. Fighting tongue and teeth, you made out on your couch. That morning you made it official.

Keith was getting shit-faced at a random pub. So were you. Notorious for your bad reputation, Keith dared you to a whiskey drinking competition. Who ever could drink more shots high, is the winner. He handed you the blunt and you two prepared for the "tournament".

"So (Y/N) why are you here on this fine night," Keith smirked.

You rolled your eyes, "No reason. You?"

"My bad played earlier, but I lost em," he chucked.

Once you were specifically high enough you started the competition. Pounding shot after shot. Keith was on number eight and fell off the bar stool. You tapped out at twelve. You wrote your number on a napkin and stuffed it in his jeans pocket.

"Call me," you smiled slipping out the door.

You put your hair back. Your shift at the bakery was almost over. You had to serve one more costumer to get your daily quota in. So when a guy with a mop top of blonde hair stepped in you giddily took his order. Once you served him his food he asked you to sit with him.

"I'm Charlie by the way," he smiled taking a sip of water.

"I'm (Y/N)," you smiled back.

You two talked for a while until you had to click in your time card.

He asked, "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

"Sure," you giggled.

Smiling the two of you carried on your days. Only, Charlie couldn't stop thinking of when he would see the most beautiful woman in the world again. And you couldn't wait to see the cutest little drummer boy either.

You sighed walking into the record store from the pouring rain. You noticed the cashier was about the same age as you. And very handsome. Smirking you made your way to him.

"Did the Beatles new record come in yet?" you smiled.

He rolled his eyes, "You're about the thirteenth person to ask today. And I'll say what I've been saying all day, no it's not here."

You rolled your eyes, "Gee Thanks."

He could see he annoyed you and apologized. But asked for your number so he could call you when they were in stock. You obliged and wrote it on a piece of paper.

The next night he called to tell you that they were in stock and he thought you were pretty. So you two arranged to go on a date. Both of you fell head over heels after that.

It was another day in your eyes. You went to the coffee shop to study and hang out with your friends Katherine and Sarah. You guys were mods so you usually just read sci-fi books and did acid in the back corner table. When you went up to order your drink a new guy took your order.

"That'll be right up for you, um?" He inquired your name.

You smiled, "(Y/N)."

You payed silently and walked back to Sarah and Kath. Once you sat down the girls began giggling like schoolgirls. They pointed over your shoulder. Bill was staring right at you. Once you saw he shook his head and looked back to the coffee he was making.

Sarah smirked, "Someone likes you."

"Totally," Kath smirked.

"Give em your number, (Y/N)," Sarah suggested.

You responded with, "I'll give it to him before we leave."

After finishing your drinks, a few grams of acid, and some literature homework. You and your friends were leaving. You called Bill and handed him your number written on a notebook page. He blushed and you kissed his cheek.

Mick (Taylor):
You ran frantically chasing the ball up and down the field. A single kick landed the ball in the net. Your team shouted with joy, the winning goal. You shot the winning goal! After a little celebration you walked to your bag and put your stuff away. A boy tapped your shoulder.

"You're really good," he smiled.

You cocked an eyebrow, "Thanks. You are?"

"My friend is the coach. Elise?" He smiled.

"Oh. You're Mick right. She really loves you. You guys are a good couple from what I hear," you smiled oblivious.

"Oh, no. We are just friends. I'm glad that we aren't together. Cause there's a little lady right in front of me who is gorgeous," he smiled kissing the back of your hand.

You smiled, "Ya don't even know my name."

"Well. Enlighten me."

"My name, Mick, is (Y/N)."

"A gorgeous name for a gorgeous girl. Let me take you out," he grinned.

You smirked, "Sure, Mick."

(Sorry I'm not comfortable writing for Ronnie😢.)

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