Your First Kiss - Van Halen

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You and David had been on two dates. You friend Alex, had set you up. You two were a 'great match' to him. He was a little, snobby? No, narcissistic is better.

He was supposed to pick you up twenty minutes ago. By now, you were pissed off. But he was adorable and really sweet in his own, weirdly wonderful way. A few minutes later, a loud knock rapped on the door.

It was him, "(Y/N)? (Y/N), I'm so sorry! Can I explain?"

"Sure Dave," you let him into the apartment, "Explain away."

"I stopped to get you something. I-I saw it at the mall, and I had to get it for you," he smiled, sheepishly.

He reached in his pocket and pulled out a necklace box. He held it out and you took it, eyeing up David. Once you opened it, it was beautiful. It was gold with a small emerald pendant hanging from the chain.

"I'm really sorry (Y/N) I just tho-"

You cut him off with a kiss. It shut him up for once. It also made you realize something. You were in love with David Lee Roth.

It was the first dance of the eighth grade year. Your best friend Eddie has asked you. He asked you with a small note that was taped to your locker. His mother drove you two to the dance.

After an hour the first slow dance song came on. Can't Help Falling In Love played softly through the speakers. Eddie took your hand and led you to the floor.

"You look beautiful (Y/N)," he blushed.

You smirk, "You look very handsome Ed's."

He giggled, pushing his bangs out of his eyes. You smiled at him, sticking out your tongue. You'd been falling in love with Eddie for years, only now, you had some really excited butterflies in your stomach.

He spun you around. You quietly leaned forward, as did he. You and Eddie touched noses and smiled. Eddie leaned in, kissing you softly. You're face was beat red. You scored you're first and only boyfriend.

You and Michael were hanging around his apartment. He'd just hit it big with his band Van Halen. You had bought beer and he grabbed some blunts.

You sat, cross legged on the coffee table. Michael was stretched out on the couch. Both of you were sharing some of your best secrets.

"Okay Michael," you raised an eyebrow, "You ask me now."

He finished his third beer, "Have you ever had a crush on me?"

"Maaaaaaaaybe," you grinned, taking a drag of the blunt.

He snatched it from you, "I have a follow up question."

"Okay," you smirked.

"Can-uh," he stuttered, "Can I kiss you?"

You tackled him, pinning him to the couch. He stared at you in surprise. You quickly flung your body on top of his.

"I thought you'd never ask," you pressed a quick kiss to his lips.

Alex was a shy boy in your math class. Over the first month of high school the two of you became great friends. One day after class you and him were walking in the hallway. He quickly pulled you into the school stairwell.

He bit his lip, "Hey, (Y/N)?"

"Yeah Al?" You grinned.

"Would you, er," he looked down, "want to be m-my girlfriend?"

Smiling, you said, "Of course!"

"I- wait really?" He looked in your eyes.

"Duh," you wrapped your arms around his neck, "Of course I would doofus."

He smiled, wrapping his arms around your waist. He rested his forehead on yours. You kissed him, as the two of you rocked back and forth. Alex Van Halen wasn't a dating virgin anymore.

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