On Loving Dave- Dave Mustaine Imagine

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Dedicated to bellbottomsandmetal who was talking about how there is a lack of all things Dave Mustaine


You woke up entangled in a combination of sheets and your boyfriend's arms. Brushing hair out of Dave's face you gave him a quick peck on the lips. You tried to get up, but his arms held you tighter.

"Dave I need to pee!"

"Don't care."

"David Scott Mustaine. Unless you want me to piss the bed let me go!"

He rolled his eyes and let you go slowly. You stood up and walked to the bathroom. Last night was an actually ordinary night. You went on a double date with Junior and his girlfriend. Came to you and Dave's house to watch movies and went to bed. It felt surreal. You had never had a "normal" date like that in a long time.

After relieving yourself you returned back to your bed. You saw Dave sitting with a white t-shirt, boxers, and the glasses that you loved on him. He noticed you and pulled half of the comforter up for you to get under it.

You dove back under the warm covers. Dave engulfed you in a hug, his ginger curls tickled your face as you cuddled him. He kissed the top of your head and gently brushed through your hair.

"(Y/N), you are so beautiful."

"I love you Dave."

"I love you too."

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