Pretty Girl- John Paul Jones

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For my bestie bellbottomsandmetal ❤️ u!

(John's POV)

I took a deep breath inhaling the nicotine off my cigarette. I stared across the room at the most lovely girl I've ever seen. Her blue eyes were lovely against her curled hair. She wore simple jeans and a t-shirt.

'She's probably a groupie, John. I mean... if she is the is the most beautiful groupie I've ever seen!"

I started walking across the bar to the most gorgeous woman I've ever met.

(Lou's POV)

'Holy shit. John Paul Jones in walking over here. Should I wave? No, nope stay fresh you cheese bag. Wait... oh my god he's smiling at me!'

He sat next to me at the bar. Smiling he ordered two shots of bourbon.

"My name is John," he smirked extending his hand.

I smiled back, "I'm Lou."

"Did you see the show love," he asked as we received our drinks.

"Oh yes I did. You're an amazing bass player, I can't believe how many people ignore your talent!" I said taking a sip of my drink.

He chuckled, "Why thank you Lou, would you like to get coffee tomorrow?"

"Of course," I smiled.

He wrote down his number and we parted ways. I couldn't wait to see him again.

(Lou I hope it wasn't awful💕)

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