Long Hair- Axl Rose

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You just turned 12 and your older brother Axl was coming home. He just turned 23, so he was the cool brother.
Once he got to the house you were the only one home. Amy moved out last year, so you were home alone. As usual. You heard knocks on the door. When you went to get it you were tackled by hugs.

You screamed, "Axl!"

"Hey Buddy," he smiled putting down his duffel bag, "Where's Mom and Jared?"

"Jared's out with some whore named Megan. And Mom's at work."

"Oh. Wow," He looked down, "I'm sorry."

You put your hand on his shoulder, "There's nothing you can do about it."

Axl looked up at your arm noticing, many bruises, "Are these from him?"

"Yeah," you said hugging him again.

He lifted you up and put you on the couch. He closed and locked the door. And threw his bag to the stairs. He sat on the couch and pulled you in his arms.

"How'd you like to live with me. In California?" Axl smiled wide.

Your jaw dropped, "You cannot be serious! You don't want a little kid hanging around with you."

"Actually I do. I think it'll soften the boys up a little. And make sure they don't overdose," Axl laughed.

"You have to ask Mom," you say, smile fading.

He looked back at you, "Already did."

"Wait I can go," you smiled huge.

Axl nodded. You tackled him in a huge bear hug. Smiling Axl kissed the top of your head. You stood up and went into the kitchen. You grabbed two spoons and the tup of ice cream.

Almost an hour later you guys finished the tub of ice cream. And the movie was almost over. Axl was sitting on He floor in front of you. You sectioned out his hair in three pieces.

He looked straight ahead, "What are you doing?"

"Braiding your hair," you smirked.

He shrugged and grabbed the hair tie on the coffee table. You began braiding. You two were talking about how one of her teachers hates her and constantly calls her Bill instead of your name.

"From what I hear you were a little asshole in school," you smiled tying the braid off.

Axl chucked, "Yeah, I was. Still am, just not in school."

He stood up and grabbed a blanket. He got on the couch and laid out. He opened his arms so you could lay on top of him. Once your head laid on his chest you fell asleep.

Axl kissed your forehead, "Goodnight (Y/N)."

I'm proud of this.

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