A Time Of Nightmares

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*in a ruined Ponyville at night, Twilight and Dusk are running away from dark blue smoke*

Twilight- *panting as she's running* Stop!

Dusk- *panting as he"s running* Leave us alone!

*the blue smoke comes closer and engulfs them*

Twilight/Dusk- *screams* NOOO! STAY AWAY!

Twilight/Dusk- *wakes up in alarm panting and sweating* *looks and sees that Spike and Barbra are asleep and that it's still night* *sighs in concern*

*the next morning a rooster crows*

Spike/Barbra- *yawns and stretches* Morning, you two! *smiles* How'd you guys- *looks in shock*

Twilight/Dusk- *looks at them tiredly with bags and bloodshot eyes* *snorts* Don't ask...

Spike- *worried* Not more nightmares!

Barbra- *worried* You guys have been having these nightmares every day, this week!

Dusk- *sighs* We need to get to the bottom of this...

*in Ponyville the four are walking with Spike and Barbra on Twilight and Dusk's backs with coffee while Twilight and Dusk are reading a book with shades on*

Dusk- *sighs* There has to be a way to get rid of these nightmares!

Twilight- *concerned* None of these books have a single cure!

Spike/Barbra- *notices Rainbow and Blitz sleep flying*

Twilight- *looks at Dusk* Is it something we ate? Or too many ghost stories?

Spike/Barbra- *worried* Uh, Twilight, Dusk?

Dusk- *tired* These nightmares just seem to come out of nowhere. They just hit-

Spike/Barbra- *sees Rainbow and Blitz headed straight for them* TWiLIGHT, DUSk, LOOK OUT!

*Rainbow and Blitz slam straight into Twilight and Dusk and the four are sprawled on the floor while Spike and Barbra are drinking coffee*

Rainbow/Blitz- *dazzled* Sorry, you two.

Twilight/Dusk- *shakes their heads and sits up* *admits* We should've been paying more attention.

Rainbow- *sighs tiredly* we've been a bit off course too.

Blitz- *nods in concern* We haven't been sleeping that great this week.

Twilight/Dusk- *looks at them in shock*

Rainbow/Blitz- *sighs* We've been having-

Twilight/Dusk- *worried* Nightmares?

Rainbow/Blitz- *looks at them in shock* You guys have been having them too?!

*the others walk over towards them*

Applejack- *tiredly* Not to be a pest, but would ya mind keeping it down a bit, Pinkie and Bubble, er, Fluttershy and Butterscotch, er, Twilight and Dusk?

Rarity- *admits with shades and a bandana* Yes, some of us haven't had our beauty rest.

Dusk- *concerned* You guys have been having them too?

Elusive- *shudders* Whenever me and Rarity close our eyes, we're struck with those ghastly images!

AJ- *concerned* Every single night I reckon, Elusive, er Dusk.

Fluttershy- *cries out* The baddest dreams ever! *shocked* Sorry! I didn't mean to be so negative.

Butterscotch- *admits* We've been a bit grouchy lately.

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