Chapter 45: Unforgivable.

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Chapter 45: Unforgivable. 

*Siyara’s P.O.V*

Back home, Roc goes straight upstairs and puts Yaniese down in her crib. He plops down on the bed with his forearm on his head. I lay on his chest.

Roc: “Siyara what are we gonna do now that our parents aren’t gonna be around to help with Yaniese?” Me: “Roc, I have no idea. Last year wasn’t how I wanted it and I’m not trying to jeopardize what I have coming in the future. We have to figure out something.”

Roc: “* sigh * How about your grandmother? Can’t she do it?” I call up my grandmother and see what she says.

Me: “She said she can only manage to watch her for a week.” Roc: “Are you kidding me!? This is ridiculous. Is everybody else’s life so important that they can’t even make time for us?” He gets up pacing back and forth, taking deep breaths.

Me: “Roc we have no other choice. I’m just gonna stay home with Yaniese. You can get the work from school that I have to do and help me with it. I’m doing this for us.” Agreeing to this decision was the last thing Roc wanted but sometimes you have understand that things happen for a reason.

It’s now been four weeks and a few days since I took time out of school to watch Yaniese. I don’t know how much longer I can go on; this is driving me crazy.

My parents left on the road with their businesses, Roc’s parents are always working, and Roc’s barely ever home due to school and the football season started already so he has practice almost every day.

Yaniese is crying all the time. She wakes up in the middle of the night crying for food. Half the time Roc doesn’t even wanna get up because he’s so tired. Plus, I moved in with Roc and his parents that the house is always empty.

Prehia’s staying with her aunt because her parents aren’t always home and they don’t want us three being home alone. I’m getting tired of this; I’m doing it all on my own with no help from anyone! I’m trying to stay strong for Yaniese but I have to stop it.

What I’m about to do is gonna make everyone hate me and at the end of the day I’m gonna regret that I ever did this……

The living room was filled with tension, anger, and sadness. Lady: “Are you sure this is what you wanna do Siyara?” Me: “Yes, I’m sure.” She slides the papers over to me and tells me where to sign.

The second I start signing them, the front door opens and Roc turns the corner.

* Roc’s P.O.V *

I got to come home right after school today because football practice is cancelled. When I walk through the front door and head to the living room, I stop in my footsteps.

Me: “What’s going on?” No one says a thing. I look at the papers in front of Siyara…my switch gets clicked and my blood starts boiling.

Me: “You’re giving Yaniese up for adoption!!??” Siyara: “Roc I had no other choice! I’m doing this all on my own with no help!” Roc: “You should’ve talked to me then Siyara! We’re not doing this; take your papers and leave.”

The lady scrambles to pick the stuff up. Siyara: “No. Roc, you don’t want this but I’m Yaniese’s mother and I’m doing this no matter what you say.” She finishes signing the papers and the woman leaves.

Siyara stands there looking at me scared. I just walk out the room and into the kitchen. I try to contain myself but I couldn’t.

I was so mad that I started throwing plates or anything that I could find around everywhere. Mom, Dad, and Siyara run in trying to stop me. As mad as I was, I didn’t wanna hurt any of them so I quit.

Siyara: “I-I-I’m sorry?” Me: “Sorry, sorry really? Sorry for giving up your own baby for adoption without even talking to me? You never cared about her. What mother does that?”

Siyara: “How was I gonna talk to you!? You’re never home! Do you not realize how much I’ve been doing just to try and make both of us happy? Roc I gave up school, sleep, time, and love and care for her. Were you the one who went through nine months of hell to have her!? Are you the one who suffered through grueling pain to push her out!? No! So when times get hard for me, don’t say that I never cared about her!”

I wanted to grab her and hold her close like I usually would but at this point, that’s not gonna change what happened.

My cell phone rings. Marcus, one of the guys from the team, asked if I wanted to come chill at some hang-out spot. I said yeah and walk past Siyara, going through the door.

Right now, my heart is torn…

-* Told you guys that things were going to start getting more intense =] Tell me what you think in your comments. More drama coming soon ;) & Marcus isn't played by his cousin, he just a random character that came to mind.   

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