Chapter 42: A Blessing Is Born♥

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Chapter 42: A Blessing Is Born.♥  

*Roc’s P.O.V*  

Two weeks. Two weeks since I left LA, leaving Siyara on her own. That was probably one of the hardest things I think I ever had to do. Without me, I’m not sure how she’s managing on her own.  

I really didn’t wanna go but when it comes down to choosing between something you love and the woman you love; it’s not much of an easy decision. With me and the boys in Vegas, she’s the only thing I could think about. We’re getting ready for a radio interview. 

* Minutes Later *

Ashley(Interviewer.): “Welcome to Hot Jamz Radio. I am Ashley here with one of the world’s most popular boy groups in the country, Mindless Behavior! How are you boys today?” Us: “We’re good, thanks for having us.”

Ashley: “Nice. First Roc, I wanna start off with you. Where’ve you been!? You went m.i.a on us for a awhile. What’s up?” Me: “Um, I had family stuff I needed to take care of. Things are a bit rough right now.” (Interview continues for another fifteen minutes then it’s over.)

Throughout the entire interview; I sat there quiet and barely answering questions. My mind seems corrupted; I feel stressed!

We drive back to the hotel and everyone was going down to the food court for a snack. I stayed in the room to sleep.

* Siyara’s P.O.V *

Restless. That’s all I’ve been feeling since Roc left. My world seems empty. Especially going to sleep at night alone and unloved. Luckily, Ant and the girls are here to take his place. We headed to

Ant’s school for a show him and Christina were performing with their drama club.

* After the show *

Me: "You freaking ass! Why didn’t you ever tell me you could rap like that!?” Ant: “Sisi, there’s a lot I keep secrets about.” Me: “Oh really, like what?” He smiles walking off.

Then we go to a new Japanese restaurant to get something to eat. Their sweet and sour chicken was delicious. I had eaten so much that I got sleepy. Ant’s helping me into the car when I feel a massively sharp pain in my stomach.

Me: “Ahhh! Guys, I think it’s time.” Everyone hops in the car, panicking, driving home to get my stuff and rushing to the hospital.

Dessy immediately takes out her phone and I knew she was calling Roc.

* Roc’s P.O.V *

We were just about to go on stage and I hear my phone ringing. I run back to the dressing room and answer it. Me: “Hello.” Dessy: “Oh god! Roc, Siyara’s going into labor. She needs you here.”

Me: “Damn! I was afraid this would happen. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” I run to the boys to let them know.

Me: “We have to cancel the show!” Keisha: “What, why?” Me: “Siyara’s having the baby!” Walter: “* sigh * Roc we already have thousands of fans out there. We can’t cancel now.” Me: “You may not want to but if it’s gonna be that way, ya’ll performing without me.”

I take off my mic turning to exit the stadium.  I sense someone behind me, realizing the boys weren’t making me go alone. Flying over a hundred miles on the highway, we suddenly hit traffic.

* Half an hour later *

I’ve been waiting patiently trying not to spaz out but this shit is ridiculous. Me: “Ray, gimme the wheel.” Ray: “Nah. For you to crash? No.” Me: “Ray, I’m not in the mood. Get out the damn car!” He hops over to the passenger side and I move cutting people off as I exit the highway.

With another minutes going by, and me speeding; we reached the hospital within an hour and couple minutes. I bust through the doors, relieved that I made it. Me: “I’m looking for Siyara Williams.” Lady: “Up those stairs, turn left, room 213.”

I soar up the stairs, practically knocking people over going by and find my parents, the girls, and Lauren pacing.

Me: “Where’s Siyara!?” Lauren: “She’s-’’ A high scream comes from down the hall. A doctor came over. Dr.: “The contractions are becoming more painful and her father can’t bare it. Is the baby’s father here?”

I step up to him and he tells me to change, putting on a few safety clothes. When I walk into the room standing over Siyara, her eyes start to shine and she smiles over the pain. Her dad leaves.

Siyara: “* panting * Roc you made it!” Roc: “Of course. I told you I’d be there for you no matter what.” The doctor instructs Siyara as she pushes.

The brutal feelings of the pain were expressed by Siyara excess screaming. She squeezes my hand almost making it turn purple. She then stops pushing.

Siyara: “* crying * Roc, I can’t! It’s too much.” I sincerely gaze into her eyes. Roc: “Baby, imagine everything we been through. Think of how much this baby means to us. Do this for us please.” Using all the strength she has, she struggles to pull through.

The sound of the baby’s small voice; it was over. My angel was now born♥   

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