Chapter 47: Return Of The Past .

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Chapter 47: Return Of The Past . 

*Roc’s P.O.V*

Siyara must really hate me now. I know that I make a lot of stupid decisions but certain situations I can’t handle. Or don’t think and use my head enough to know what to do. I catch Siyara at her locker.

Me: “Hey.” Siyara: “What do you want?” Me: “You had your chance to last night but you’re not gonna tell my parents about…you know, are you?” Siyara: “Roc, after last night I could care less about what you do because obviously if you don’t then why should I?” She slams her locker and leaves.

*Siyara’s P.O.V*

Telling Roc that I don’t care; trust and believe that I don’t mean what I said.

I was walking outside to get to my next class and see Marcus. I pull his arm to the outside of the janitor’s closet. Me: “What’s your deal?” Marcus: “What are you talking about?”

Me: “Pulling Roc in on your little business selling weed?” Marcus laughs. Marcus: “Baby princess trying to protect her prince, how cute. Look, Roc’s the one who decided that for himself. We took him along with us but he didn’t have to do it. So if anything talk to him, not me.”

Me: “No, you got him into it…now you’re gonna get him out.” Marcus: “I have to get something first.” Me: “If you’re talking about s-” Marcus: “No. A kiss.” I scratch the back of my head and look down.

The only reason why I’m doing this is for Roc. The kiss felt good but I had to stop. I hope that the kiss was all worth it.

* Study Hall *

Dessy: “Explain now!” Me: “I’m lost here. Explain what?” Niyah: “The picture of you and Marcus kissing by the janitor’s closet?” Lexy: “And some rumor about you two dating?” Me: “What? That’s not true.” Dessy: “Maybe you should tell Marcus that.”

Everything I do always turns out wrong; I could never do anything right!

I pop open the door to the boy’s locker room looking for Marcus. He just left gym and showered so when I found him the only thing he had on was a towel.

His milk chocolate skin and water dripping down his abs had me hypnotized for a good two minutes. Me: “You set me up! Why are you going around telling people we’re together!?”

Marcus: “One kiss can turn into something more.” Me: “Marcus that kiss didn’t mean anything! If Roc finds out about that, I’m dead. We made a deal and this wasn’t part of it.” Marcus: “Hey, you wanted him out so I’ma do that. * laugh * Just remember, you put this on yourself.” I push him and walk out.

Coming out the door, I bump into Roc. His expression told everything; he knew.

Roc: “Let me get this straight, I do one thing wrong, you find out about it and to get back at me you go kiss one of my friends!?” Me: “Roc it’s not even like that! I was trying to help you.” Roc: “How could that possibly help me!? The only thing it’s doing right now is hurting me!”

Me: “Roc, me and Marcus made a deal. If I gave him a kiss then he’d drop you from his business selling weed.” He turns around and punches the locker.

Roc: “Who told you I wanted that!? Earlier you said you didn’t care! Damn Siyara, try thinking about what somebody else wants for once. Not what you want.”

I stood there feeling like the dumbest person ever.

* Roc’s P.O.V *

It’s funny how things can change. I’ve been a freaking sap all day since I left school, trying to figure out where things went wrong.

I’m tired of making these dumb ass mistakes. I’m tired of fighting and arguing with Siyara. I’m tired of not being happy! I want things to back to being easy. I wish getting through situations like this with Siyara was like it used to be. Now, I just can’t find a way out.

I made a couple rounds selling before going to O’s house. I popped two bottles and still no buzz. I stand out on the balcony of the upstairs lounge, using liquor to drown my problems. ???: “Hey stranger. Long time no see.” I look behind me…Alana.

It’s like one problem comes along after the next. I can’t take this.

Me: “What are you here? You’re supposed to be in juvie; when did you get out?” Alana: “Roc, it’s been almost a year. I wasn’t gonna stay there forever.”

Me: “Well right now I’m wishing you did. I already have enough problems to deal with right now and don’t need you as one.” I sit in the chair and take a sip of Ciroc. Alana sits next to me.

Alana: “Do you need someone to talk to?” Roc: “I don’t need anything right now but my life back. When I was happy and had nothing to worry about but school and my career.” I feel like a big ass wuss starting to cry in front of Alana.

She pulls me into a hug. It felt nice to be wrapped in someone’s arms, thou it’d be better if it was Siyara’s. When I pull away; I stare into her shiny hazel colored eyes that I haven’t seen in so long.

Then one thing led to another, starting from only a kiss to movements in the bedroom. 

Mistake after mistake and problem after problem. Will there ever be a solution? Is there ever gonna be a happy ending? Maybe… More love, heartbreak, and drama coming soon ;) 

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