Letter 1

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Dear ex,

I still love you. I always will. I hate that I love you, I really do. I can't stand the thought of me still loving you after all you've put me through.

Today in class we had to write about a famous quote. Guess what it was. "Love can conquer all".

As soon as those words left the teachers lips, I thought about you. I thought about the way you touched me so softly, the way my name dripped out of your mouth so smoothly like golden honey, but I also remember the bad stuff too.

The fights, the breakups, the constant makeups. So when the teacher wanted us to write about love, I had mixed emotions and I knew whatever I was going to write, would be related to you in some way.

I spent the whole class time wondering no I should write my masterpiece that was going to be involved around us, but when the teacher dismissed us, I had one word written down.


The teacher said if anyone didn't finish, they were to do it as homework so that's what I'm doing right now.

I'm not going to share it all with you, just parts that I think would stand out and hopefully give you some sort of introduction into what I'm truly feeling.


It's one thing love can't conquer. The sudden feel of being alone and not wanted anymore is undefeatble.

Sure I will still love him, but I'm lost and alone. I'm scared. I picture love as a person. Someone who's taking you on a journey through the woods, the sun shining down on the both of you and it's just the two of you.

But when that person walks away, you're all alone. Isolated in the woods, the sun now set and the dark sky blanketing the woods. Heartbreak is now settling in and the howls of wolves get louder and louder and louder.

Tears run along your puffy red cheeks and you feel empty. Because all the love has been drained out of your body and heartbreak has been replaced instead.

Love is like oxygen. Heartbreak is carbon dioxide. Oxygen's good for you, therefore love is. You breathe love in so much that once it's gone, it's gone. You're left there alone in the dark suffocating on carbon dioxide as the strings of your hart deteriorate and snap like thin rubber bands.

That's what you've done to me. I gave you everything Josh, everything. I got so used to you that you were something I couldn't live without, like oxygen.

But when you left, I was stuck with just that constant sting of heartbreak.

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