Chapter 1...

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I watched the casket drop slowly making its way into the deep dark hole.

"....that dust thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return." the priest finally said. I dropped the white rose into the hole landing carefully on the casket. The funeral wasn't a big thing it was just me and Sharon the social worker. I was left alone, my father that "good for nothing" as my mom would call him left us, and now here I am standing in front of my moms grave.

" let's go Amber" Sharon whispered carefully placing her hand around my shoulders. I stayed there for 15 seconds carefully remembering everything she had once told me remembering the nights we shared on the sofa with a bucket of Ben and Jerry's ice cream watching re-runs of lame reality shows. I couldn't believe she was actually gone, that's when it hit me hard my mom was actually gone and I was alone... one tear slowly made its way down my rosy cheeks then after that one more came. I cried like a baby and I know that expression is over used but that was me a 16 year old crying non-stop.

"oh Hun, I'm really sorry" Sharon said as she held me closely. After a while we walked over to her car and made our way to the orphanage where I was 100% sure that that was the place I would spend my life in.

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