I pulled on my sunglasses my eyes were bloodshot red I hate flying it always gives me the chills. As I gazed out into the crowd looking for ...wait I didn't even know who I was looking for. I stood on my tip-toes to see over people and finally a sign that looked lit it said Amber, but upside down. Nice one. I walked over to a group of guys who stared at me skeptically.
"Alright which one of you is Matt" I spoke up loudly. They all pointed towards a guy with sunglasses and a baseball cap, he had a piercing and tattoos, wait all of them did.
"Are you Amber?" Some guy asked he had real shaggy hair
" Yeeahh" I said as I rocked on my heels
"I'm jimmy and that's zack, The short-shit over there is Johnny and that's syn." He pointed to some other guys who all waved.
"Hey kid lets go" Matt said as he grabbed my bags and started walking.
" Woah- woah wait up first of all you call me amber not kid I'm not a kid" I said as I gave him a fixed stare at him. He turned and kept walking.
" I could care less." He muttered and kept walking.
"Don't listen to him kid he is always like that" Johnny said as he walked beside him.
"He is always an asshole?" I asked.
"You have no idea" he chuckled and we walked to a black Truck. The ride home was quiet abut Matt would look back a couple times. Two can play at your games Matt.