Amber's p.o.v

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Matt led me to my room when I opened the door I was left with my mouth open. The room was a shade of light blue pictures of Marilyn Monroe in black and white. A white dresser and a giant plasma t.v hung on the wall and oh my f****in god there was a chimney in here !

I realized I was staring in silence for a while now so I spoke up " thanks" I walked in.

" no problem kid" he said with a grin. I looked over my shoulder and shot him a glare.

" I'm not a kid remember..." I said but this time not as harshly.

" yeah yeah blah blah ill let you settle your stuff in and dinners in an hour i dont know what we are gonna eat cause Val can't cool" he whispered he last part.

" HEY I HEARD THAT!!" Val yelled from the the other room. We both chuckled.

"You got your mothers smile" he said.

"Uhh thanks-" I muttered. Soon he walked out and I was left alone.

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