-Matt's p.o.v-

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A/n: So to the people who are actually reading this I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while my Internet has been down o: my life was over!! So barely tonight after like 4 hours of waiting and talking to the people from the cable company my Internet is on !! Hell to the yeah ! Ahhhh so I heard a7x might come to Anaheim in Cali which is like 20min away from me ! X) Im gonna do my best to go cause you know I love my Zacky!! :D <3 oh oh I went to Huntington Beach cause I live close by and before that I did my stalking and I found what house Jimmy (foREVer) lived in and I passed by ! My future home...not creepy right... Lol!! But yeah here is the next chapter ENJOY!!!


"Eww you like that lame band!" Jimmy blurted with a disgusted look on his face.

Amber looked over a slight blush creeped onto her cheeks

"Uh yeah I mean they're cool I like that one song you don't know you're beautiful" she said

" what other song?" Jimmy asked with a grin on his face.

"Uh-uh- BABY!!" She blurted.

"That's Justin bieber" I looked at her and chuckled.

She laughed and brought her hands up to her face probably hiding her red cheeks. The doorbell rang and in walked Zack,Johnny, and brian.

"HEYY GUYSS!" Jimmy yelled and ran over to Zack and jumped on him but missing and landing on his ass.

"Nice one Jim" amber laughed causing the guys to look over at her. "Umm hi.." She waved shyly.

" hey" they all said in unison.

" Amber that's Zack, brian and the short shit over there is Johnny" I introduced them " Guys that's Amber" there was an awkward silence as they all stared at her and she stared at them.

"Hey Brian where's Ryan?" Jimmy said as he got up from the floor. Ryan was Brian's kid he was a real trouble maker always getting arrested, suspended I wouldn't be surprised if he was locked up again.

" he went out with his girlfriend but he said he would come by later" brian assured us.

Everyone walked into the kitchen leaving Amber in the living room alone, I almost wanted to stay but I didn't know if she was gonna get pissed so I left her alone. We all sat around the bar opening beers and just talking about our next show when the door bell rang.


"I heard you!" I yelled back

"Ok just making sure no need to yell geez" she said as I walked past her. I opened the door and Ryan walks in looking stoned like always and following him was some blonde chick probably his girlfriend.

"Hey Matt my dad here?" He asked obviously knowing he was.

"Yeah he's in the kitchen" I muttered as I rolled my eyes, this kid was a mess.

" k cool" he just said and smiled.

"Babe I want to go somewhere" his girlfriend whined. Fuck man I'm out of here.

"Amber you hungry?" I ask before I went back to the guys.

"Nope" she said popping the "p". Ryan looked over at amber I guess noticing her for the first time.

" whose that?" He asked

" Amber" I answered plainly. Ryan kept his eyes on her...... I didn't like that look on his face.

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