Chapter 35

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There has been a time skip. I'll let you figure out how long.

Merome's POV

I sigh, laying on my bed. I turn on my phone and begin to text my friend. I kind of wish I could stay at school.

I tug off my boots as I receive a text from Traci.

T- Hey Merome! Can't talk right now. I'm on a date with that freshman Tyler.

I sigh.

M- K.

My friends never have time for me, and my parents barely even let me have my phone. Their so overprotective. I feel like their not even my parents, I don't look like either of them. Dad spends his time with his friends and Mom spends her time shopping. I put in some earbuds and begin to listen to Pierce The Veil.

I breathe you in with smoke in the backyard lights.

We used to laugh until we choked into the wasted nights.

It was the best time of my life, but now I sleep alone.

So don't, don't, don't wake me up, 'cause my thrill is gone.

Bulletproof Love. Love that song. I hear the doorbell ring and receive a text from Dad.

D- I'm having some of my friends come over for a party, can you stay in your room?

"That's it." I mutter. "I'm done." I take my earbuds out then scribble some things on a piece of paper. I reach in the closet, grab my suitcase, and put it on my bed. I immediately throw all my clothes in the small bag and zip it up. I grabbed the money I had saved for a car and threw it in as well. I placed the note on the bed then opened the window and climbed out.

Goodbye, 'parents'. I thought as I shut the window behind me. My eyes widened as I realize...

...I'm free.

I laugh and begin running to a hotel nearby as cars pull up to my old house. I wonder when they'll notice. It doesn't matter though.

My silver hair keeps getting in my face as I run. I stop at the bus stop and grab a ponytail off my wrist, putting my hair in a bun. Four figures begin to walk dutifully to the bus stop. One has... cat ears and a tail? Whatever, probably cosplay. They walk up to the stop and start laughing and joking.

Well, three of them are joking. There's one who's standing back. He wears a red and black checkered shirt and a tan undershirt. He has matted hair and it looks like he hasn't slept in days as he stares off into the distance.






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