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"Keep them closed, no peeking"

He's got a surprise for me apparently. I'm no good at all this, not used to it since Elvis went but he's been so lovely.

"Almost there"

He sits me down and takes off the blind fold "surprise" he looks pleased with himself and like he's shitting a brick all at the same time.

"Our bench" I'm confused for a minute and start looking round for what the surprise could be, and then I see it.

"In loving memory of Captain Elvis Harte.
He loved this place"

For the first time in my life I think I'm speechless.

"I know this between us is all very unexpected and still a lot to take in. But I wanted you to know that I never plan to take his place, I couldn't. He was one of a kind. But I promise you I will love you and take care of you in a way which he would be proud of"

I can't stop the tears, I'm not sure I want too. He's just so perfect and more than I ever expected to find in a bloke after Elvis. Like he said, he was one of a kind. Big shoes to fill but Charles more than lives up to the job.

It's a small but big gesture all at the same time and helps to cement the feeling in my heart that he is the one who was meant to heal me. Also Elvis would have fucking loved it like the big headed lovable fuckmuppet he was because loved a fuss.

He's watching with a look of concern as I run my fingers across Elvis' name, still touched by the gesture and I realise I haven't given him anything to suggest how I might be feeling about it.

"Thank you"

I turn to face him and his eyes are so dark and intense it moves me. The look on his face, his body language.. everything about him is telling me I'm his world and he's mine too. For the first one in forever I'm happy.

"I love you so much" but the words aren't enough. They say what I need them to say but the don't truly show him the depth of the love I feel for him.

I take his hand, wrapping my arms around his torso, burying my head against his chest and in this moment I could burst with love.

He's still looking at me with that intense but beautiful gaze and my body can't take it anymore. Every fibre of me needs to show him exactly what he means to me.

"Let's go home" I whisper and I bite my lip suggestively. If I can't find the words that match up to how I feel for him then I'll have to show him.


We've been inseparable. I've barely even been home since we got together let alone seen the likes of Jackie or my house mates. Something said housemates are probably glad of but we're moving at lightening pace and it feels good. The memory plaque had been such a small but thoughtful gesture but one that had meant so much to me. It had broken down the last few bricks left in the emotional wall I'd built after Elvis died. It also got me thinking about making a gesture of my own.

So I've taken the plunge. The huge, massive plunge that involves introducing my hot, posh boyfriend to my slobby, very unposh Dave. Help.

I like the way he stands with his hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels when he's deep in thought. Maybe even a little bit anxious. But he looks cute all the same.

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