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I hold my hand out to him as he had just done to me. The urge to take care of him once again taking over and a cold, windy beach was not the place for him post surgery even if it had been a few weeks.

"Where are we going?" He smiles and I decide here and now that I'm never going to let him go again.

"Let's get you home"

It was obvious the ex wife hadn't stayed long by the state of the place. It's like he had tried to tidy up them abandoned half way through, take away boxes and coffee cups littering the counter tops.

He stops me as I'm about to get to work and his hand is warm against my cheek and it feels perfect. He tilts my head upwards and he's such a big tall bastard that I have to tip toe to help him out a bit. I wrap my arms around his torso and the warmth that fills me is amazing. I already know that I love him. I think I have from the start.

The days pass by in a blur of pure bliss. He's not up to much and still needs a lot of help so I've invited myself to stay only leaving to work my shifts and collect clean clothes from home.

The guilt of betraying Elvis is still there, but it's easing. I still miss him every single day and I always will. I'll always love him but I have to start putting myself first. I have to start living again.

We barely leave the sofa in days now as the Christmas holidays are upon us and I had the foresight to book time off in the name of 'study'.
The only thing I've had time to study is his beautiful face and his lips which I've can't bare to not be kissing at every opportunity and it seems he feels the same.

"So... you asked me to label this.. or us. But what would you label it?"

I feel my cheeks flush and turn warm as he works through his rehab on the floor in front of me still managing to look hot as hell whilst wincing in pain and sweating. Wouldn't ever like to put me looking that good after surgery and physio to the test but he pulls it right out of the bag.

"Well.. I seem to be a little bit in love with you"

He gives me a wicked smile and it lights up his eyes which have been a little sad lately and it makes my heart skip a beat.

"Pull me up" He commands before sitting on the edge of the sofa next to me, taking my face in his soft hands "I seem to be a lot in love with you Miss Dawes. I'd very much like for you to be my girlfriend"

It all feels very juvenile but it's progress. Massive, fluffy progress that has me smiling from ear to ear.

Again days seem to pass, like that awkward week between Christmas and New Year when you've got no idea what bleedin' day it is and we haven't even had Christmas yet but I'm happy to just be.

"So tell me Molly. What's next for you? When you've finished studying and you move on from the coffee shop... what's the dream?"

We lay staring at the ceiling. I'd love to say after love making but he still can't yet so we have to make do with other things.

"Promise you won't laugh?"

"Why would I laugh? You can do anything you put your mind too.."

I smile to myself because he makes me feel good about myself but it dawns on me we've never really talk about what he does.

"I want to be a teacher. And I always wanted to go abroad to Afghanistan or somewhere like that and teach the kids. Improve their lives in some way if I can"

He pulls me closer to him, kissing my head.

"Then a teacher you shall be Dawes. Although I wouldn't recommend Afghanistan"

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