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I'm ashamed to say I've become one of those curtain twitchers who stalks the postman in the hopes that he's got the goods.

"If you keep watching for the postie like that, he's gonna have you up on harassment charges"

I roll my eyes but I know Jackie has a point. I'm bordering on creepy.

"It's been weeks now Jac and I haven't heard a thing?"

"Either he's not interested and you really did fuck it up or it's just delayed in some god forsaken hell hole. You know the drill from..." she pauses and shoots me pained, wounded looks.

"You can say his bleedin' name you know... Elvis. I know the drill from Elvis"

I'm still for a minute because it still feels weird to say his name so freely and it not cause a stabbing pain in my heart. I hear his name and no longer have to duck and cover for the inevitable hurricane of grief that would descend upon me.

"Earth to Molly... I said are you coming out tonight? I think you should, I'm fed up of the moping around"

I shouldn't even be considering it because I haven't got a pot to piss in but I suppose I could always drink water and blame it on a headache.

"Yeah alright. Can I stay at yours after though? Can't afford cabs an' shit"

Jackie rolls her eyes at me "Goes without saying that you can stay with me. Now sod off away from the window"

My disappointment intensifies when the post finally hits the mat and there's nothing but bills and junk mail. And the only thing worse than the red notice in my hand meaning I'm being evicted is the fact that he hasn't written back.

The best I can hope for now is that he at least believes I'm sorry. Probably doesn't mean shit to him but I needed to tell him. Needed to get those words out into the universe and I could only do it once I realised that I have finally healed enough after Elvis to love Charles whole heartedly. Just a shame I was too late.


Turns out my plan of drinking water was never going to happen because Jackie clocked on that I'm skint and has steadily plied me with enough cheap plonk from the corner shop that I was three sheets to the wind before we'd even left.

"You know.. you are a top fuckin' mate Jac. Always there for me..hic... never let me down like pissin' blokes do"

She squeezes my hand to let me know she appreciates my hiccup laden compliment but soon tells me to shut my cake hole.

"The bouncer won't let you in if he notices how pissed you so keep quiet and let me do the talking"

I try to refrain from swaying just long enough for us to actually make it inside and promptly prop myself up in the nearest available seat whilst Jac gets the drinks in. Probably should stop at this point but you know, yolo and all that and I've got a broken heart to numb. A heart that he's stamped on.

"You never texted me" 

I take a break from minding my own business to  look up into the handsome face of some fella I vaguely recognise but can't place how I know him.

"Then that would suggest I ain't interested in whatever it is you were offering" I hiccup once again and the cheekiest smirk pulls at his lips.

"You wound me Molly"

Well if he remembers my bloody name then clearly he knows me better than I thought.

"I'll wound you properly if you don't piss off"

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