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3 years later.

I never imagined this life for myself. People who come from my neck of the woods, well this just isn't the kind of life they get, so I know I'm lucky.

I watch the sea whip at my toes, the cold bite waking me up for the day ahead. The day that Major James comes home and the day we celebrate our darling daughters 1st birthday.

I squeeze the back rest of Elvis's bench like it actually him, it always feels right to give a nod to the man that I owe this life too. The man who brought me here and loved me unconditionally and you can call me silly but the man I believe sent Charles my way with some kind of Devine intervention. Two people he loved and cared for most in the world don't just find each other by accident. I have come to believe that Charles was always meant to be mine.

We bought our dream house, a stones throw from the beach. So close actually, that sand gets everywhere inside the front garden, much to Charles's annoyance but I like the face he pulls when he's sweeping up, pretending to be pissed off. But there is a quiet contentment about him, he's relaxed in mind and body with a peaceful soul now. No more trauma lives inside of him.

His physical war wounds still trouble him every now and again but he worked hard to overcome and got his promotion and then we got a little unplanned miracle... I was lucky enough to carry his child, our baby girl.

Violet James is a whole year old today! And she hasn't got a Scooby just how much she has changed our world. A honeymoon baby who is the apple of her daddy's eye.

I can't help but smile as I approach our little piece of heaven on Earth. Proud big brother Sam is busy tying pink balloons to every available surface in preparation for his baby sisters party, while Jac bounces the guest of honour on her hip. Who'd have thought that piss head Jackie would make the best early morning babysitter so I could get my daily run in.

I feel him here before he even alerts me to his presence. Fresh off a flight from Afghanistan after a successful last overseas tour. He will never darken Afghans door again.

"There she is" he says, smiling and I jump into his arms like a love sick twat from a movie but I can't help it, I squeal and decorate his handsome face with six months worth of kisses.

"God I've missed you" he pants, barely able to contain himself, biting his bottom lip... I know exactly what he wants. Well what we both want if I'm honest. It's been a long 6 months!

"Behave yourself Handsome. There are 2 very excited kiddies waiting to see their daddy."

He makes light work of scooping them both up and they disappear into the house which suddenly feels even more like home now that he's back where he belongs.

"Who'd have thought it eh? Molly Dawes, sprogged up and the very definition of marital bliss.. miracles do bloody happen."

I dig Jacs in the ribs in jest but she right.
Who'd have thought someone like me could be this happy?

We celebrate with all of our favourite people and I can't help but feel a bit warm and fuzzy inside. Life really is perfect. And I don't live in fear of it all going to shut anymore. For the first time in my life I'm secure and truly happy!

I bite my lip as I watch him walk towards me, handsome as ever. His eyes are virtually stalking me and if I'm not wrong most certainly undressing me. I'm counting down the minutes until I get him into the sack.

"Here's my girl." He purrs as he reaches me and pulls me into the most gentle yet passionate kiss. I really am the luckiest girl in the world.


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