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If I told the truth, I expected him to come back broken. I expected broken bones or worse because that's all I know of the army. In my experience they always come home broken and wounded or dead.

I didn't expect him to come home like this though. Dead behind the eyes and so utterly broken inside that I want to weep just looking at him.

I never had to do this with Elvis though. I never had to emotionally glue him back together and I feel totally out of my depth here.

"Do you want me to call your mum? Does she know you're here? How long you been back?"

Bombarding him with questions leaves him agitated but I'm trying to piece together what's happened to him.

I discreetly search his pockets for something, anything to give me some idea what I'm dealing with. Or more like what he's dealing with.

I'm surprised and half relieved by a knock on the door. Wasn't expecting anyone and if I'm honest it's really shit timing but I need someone to tell me what to do.

"This isn't a good time" I snap at Bones as he pushes his way passed me, heading to my bedroom where Charles has been since early this morning.

"If you want to help him then you'll shut up and listen to me. I called in a few favours, found out your friend here has absconded when he should have been on his way to the Queen Elizabeth"

"I'm not interested in the finer details right at this minute, just tell me what's happened to him?"

Bones braces himself and he's about to let me have it when Charles breaks his silence to tell me himself.

"We had to jump. We were out numbered and we'd have certainly died if we'd stayed... we had no choice. I had no choice but to order them to jump. I've got so much blood on my hands. Elvis and now Brains. Both dead because of me"

All I can do is hold him as his Earth shattering cries bring even a hard nut like me to tears. I've been through some shit in my time but holding the man I love whilst he emotionally implodes is up there with the worst of all.

Bones makes his excuses and fucks off leaving me to the mess of a man cradled in my arms.

"Elvis ain't gone because of you" I whisper, still holding him like a fragile child. Rocking back and forth desperate to bring him comfort any way that I can.

He doesn't believe me and I don't think there's much I can say that will change his mind. All I know is, I need to get him to the hospital where he should be recuperating.

"Let's get you sorted yeah?"

I brush a stray curl off his grazed forehead and sad eyes that have seen far to many awful things stare back at me, pleading for help.

He pulls at my clothes, desperate to make a connection or in our case reconnect and I know he needs to forget. He needs to lose himself in me and forget the war that's going on inside his brain except I can't. It wouldn't be right considering where I've been.

My rejection hurts him and he wants to run, only physical injuries prevent it. And he once again seeks me out to be held.

"Everything gonna be alright" I whisper. I just hope I'm right.


He's met with concern and compassion when I return him to where he's meant to be - a hospital ward at the Queen Elizabeth.

"Thanks for bringing him, I'll take it from here"

The tangoed tart from the airfield instantly gets my back up "I'm not going anywhere.. he needs me"

She gives me a sarcastic smile which makes me want to slap it right off her perfect face "The ex I presume? It's next of kin only, and as you're not together I'm afraid we'll be calling his mother"

So he's told her all about me...about us.

"If it's all the same to you, I'll stick around. Even if it's just until he's settled"

Familiar brown eyes stare back at me. Determined brown eyes framed by perfect eyebrows and silky tendrils of glossy dark hair frame her perfect face whilst I look like something the cat spat up at 5am this morning. Yet he's still searching for me. His eyes follow my every move... I ain't going anywhere.

"I think you did enough before he went on tour don't you?"

"Not that it's any of your business.. whatever your name is but it's me he came looking for. It's me he's still searching for. He needs me"

She snorts a laugh and rolls her eyes infuriating me even further "Keep telling yourself that. He was happy 'til you broke his heart. It's your fault his head weren't in the game and it's your fault he's been making bad decisions, deadly in this case"

I can see by the way she looks at him that she's sympathetic rather than angry with him and for that I'm glad. He's gonna have enough people after his guts.

"Just let him know I ain't leaving 'til he tells me too"

I watch her perky little arse sashay towards him and it's clear that he is more than a Captain to her. There is love in her eyes and the way she touches him. Gently tending his cuts and scraps and checking him over the way I wish I could. Seeing as the nurses here look more than capable of doing it themselves it occurs to me that she's overstepping boundaries for him. How long has that been going on? And why?

"Thought I'd find you here"

Bones! I'd nearly forgotten about him.

"Listen, thanks and all that but you probably shouldn't be here"

My favourite thing about him is the cheeky smirk he's currently wearing - in another life it would have sent shivers down my spine. Clearly I've got a thing for handsome soldiers.

"I could say the same for you Dawes except I haven't come here for you. I took it upon myself to see that the rest of his platoon are doing okay, considering they've just lost one of their own. Contrary to what this looks like, not everything revolves around you dear"

We're both staring at the now closed curtains around Charles' cubicle.

"It's bad innit? What's happened out there... he's in trouble ain't he?"

Bones nods "It would appear so but if their stories check out then he might get away with a slap on the wrist. I'll do what I can, no promises though"

I don't know what I did to deserve his help, or why he wants to help Charles but there are so many layers to Bones. I look forward to getting to know him - as a friend!

"Thank you"

"Don't mention it sweetheart. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some soldiers I need to deal with"

I watch tangoed tart make her exit from Charles' cubicle and with a flick of her head and a face like a slapped arse, she lets me know I can see him.

"Before you go... sugar tits over there.. who is she?"

He chuckles "Sugar tits, as you've so lovingly call her is Corporal Olivia Harte"

Brown eyes the same as I've loved before.


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