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With fear of sounding dramatic, I feel the earth shatter around me.

Adrenaline pushes him forward as he fights through the flurry of people that stand people us.

"Is it true?" He looks from me to Bones but I can't do this. I can't lose him this way.

I bolt for the door and I'm surprised he's keeping up, but I have to go. I can't hurt him any more than he already has been.

"Don't make me chase you" he calls after me and I feel bad, so I stop. He's with me in seconds and
he cups my face, his eyes gentle as always and pleading with me.

"Come back to me"

It's pissing rain and the way his curls hang on his forehead make me want to sweep them away so I do, now it's me cupping his face and he leans into my touch. The warmth I feel inside, like electricity is all consuming. It's love like I've never experienced, love for the man standing soaking wet in front of me begging me not to break his heart. I don't even think I loved Elvis as much as I love him.

He pushes his tongue into my mouth, and our bodies connect so closely, I swear I can feel his heart racing just as fast as mine against my chest. If it wasn't illegal, I'd take him here and now. I want to rip his clothes off and feel the connection that only he can give me.

Pure love and it's only now that I'm about to lose it once more that I realise, I will never be this lucky again. I take one last kiss before I shatter his world to bits. One last time because I know he ain't gonna want me when he finds out.

"I'm sorry Charles. So sorry"

I watch his chocolate brown eyes turn black. The man I love, Well I just obliterated him into a million pieces. He's rooted to the spot, knuckles white, clenched tightly around the handles of his crutches. Might gonna get them wrapped round me nut in a minute.

"Say something... please" I'm verging on pathetic.

But he says nothing. The vacant, wounded look in his eyes once again there where his warm, smiling eyes were only moments ago.

Hurt, physically and emotionally and vulnerable too. I know I've handed Charles to her on a silver platter.

I watch as she appears from nowhere and instantly becomes a third crutch. She loves him. I can see it in her eyes because for once she hasn't made this a competition between me and her. She's genuine in her concern even if she's the cause of this.


"I want to be alone" Charles demands, knocking back another drink.

"Do you really think that's wise? You're barely mobile sober, how are you going to get about while pissed?"

There is a dark sadness in his beautiful brown eyes that pains me because I put it there, but in the long run, this is for the best. Molly isn't the girl for him.

He needs someone more suited to his back ground, someone with social standing and someone who can be everything he needs. Lover, friend and everything in between. That someone is me.

He concedes after knocking back a final drink and rises unsteadily to his feet knowing I've got him. I always will.

We travel back home in silence but I do my best to comfort him as best as can. The soft skin on the back of his hand sends tingles down my spine as I stroke my fingers across, enjoying every second until he pulls his hand away.

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