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1st of September, 1997

Elizabeth Sophia Blackwood

The Hogwarts Express was just as enormous and overwhelming as always. The loud noises, the smoke, and all the students already on the train felt like coming home - even if it was for just a split second. Somewhere I tried to keep in mind that Hogwarts would've changed a lot since last year, but seeing all the first year students awkwardly standing around made me think back to my first time on this train.


After my mother waved me off, I tried to look for an empty compartment to sit in. Most of them were full, and as I walked to another side of the train, I bumped into someone.

A little taken aback I looked up into a pair of brilliantly colored, grey eyes. His white-blonde hair was slicked back. The young boy looked down at me, literally and figuratively. "What do you think you're doing?" he snapped with an annoyed look on his face.

My eyes wandered over to the two guys behind him. One of them was quite large – in all aspects – his neck barely visible, his hair in an old-fashioned bowl cut. The other one was staring at me with a dull look in his eyes, his broad shoulders and long gorilla-like arms told me he might not be the brightest star in the sky, but definitely not one you wanted to mess with. Both of the guys were mean-looking and snickered at me.

"Sorry, I didn't look where I was going," I muttered the apology underneath my breath. "How observant of you. Move out of the way. Now." the blonde ordered as he pushed me to the side before I could even act on his words. My body slammed against the wall and I felt a sharp pain across my shoulder.

I didn't know it at the time, but the Gryffindor inside of me was brave enough to stand up to him. "Who in the bloody hell do you think you are? Pushing a girl like that?" I raised my voice and he swiftly turned around. Before I knew what was going on I already felt his wand against my neck.

Although I was terrified, I didn't show it. My hand moved to grab my own wand, whilst the young boy spoke. "Who I am? Draco Malfoy, of course. Did you already forget you bumped into me first? Not very bright, are you?" "I apologized." "I don't bloody care. You-" he stopped mid-sentence as his eyes shifted towards my wand. He laughed out loud before he continued with a mocking tone in his voice "Look at this little girl. What are you going to do with that, huh? Want to see a real spell?"

Draco lifted his wand and – not wanting to find out which spell he had in mind – I shouted the first spell that came into mind. "Wingardium Leviosa!" I yelled without moving my wand even the slightest bit.

I'd read the spell in a book, but at that point in time I didn't have any practice whatsoever. Malfoy's cloak caught fire and he was blasted backwards against a wall. A little shocked about the outcome, it dawned on me it would be better not to hang around.

So naturally, I made a run for it.

"Get her!" his voice echoed behind me before I heard heavy feet running in my direction. I was a lot faster with my light weight and – when it seemed like I was out of eyesight from dumb and dumber –  I jumped into a random compartment.  I slammed the door behind me and shut the small curtains. "Uhm, hello?" a voice behind me spoke and I turned around in shock. I hadn't checked if there were any people in the compartment, and two boys my age looked at me with a bewildered look on their faces.


That's how I met Harry and Ron, two of my best friends. The small smile on my face faded. We could only hope Hogwarts wouldn't be too bad now that Dumbledore had died. I knew better – it would be hell. From the rumors I'd heard, Bellatrix and other Death Eaters would be present at the school nowadays. With Snape as the new headmaster, it would be even worse than we could possibly imagine.

"Ellis!" I was pulled back from my thoughts by a familiar voice and I noticed Neville smiling at me. Behind him were Luna, Seamus and Ginny. "Hey everyone," I tried to sound happy, but my voice betrayed me. There wasn't much to be happy about nowadays anyway, so the others didn't seem to mind.

I couldn't help but notice Dean Thomas missing next to Seamus, since they'd become pretty much best friends over the past few years. Seamus noticed my stare, gave me a look I recognized as something I already guessed. I knew Dean was a half-blood and if there wasn't any evidence found of your wizarding heritage you'd better run for your life. So did Dean. I mouthed an "I'm sorry", but Seamus shrugged and averted his eyes to look at his shoes.

Neville desperately tried to keep the conversation going while we searched for an empty compartment. To be honest I couldn't even concentrate on what he said – I was back in my own little world of thoughts again.

This summer had been confusing for me. I spend a lot of time together with Harry, Hermione and Ron at The Burrow. This of course, included the crazy but amazing Weasley twins and Ginny as well. The time we spend at The Burrow was one of the best I've had in a while, especially since things were getting worse with the Dark Lord infiltrating the Ministry of Magic.

I tilted my head a little to the left, scanning Ginny's face. I wondered if she knew what had happened, but the smile she gave me when she noticed I was staring at her said otherwise. If she'd known, she probably wouldn't even be able to look me into the eye anymore.

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