Ignored pt.2

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Part 2 of Ignored
This chapter has mentions of cutting and an attempt at suicide, if you are trigger by anything, please DO NIT READ. Read at your own risk. You have been warned. 

*Edited: 5/7/20 grammar and spelling*


*Next Morning*

It was 6:30 am and I drove all night to and stopped by a hotel. I quickly grabbed the cheapest room and fell asleep on the bed, tired from the night drive wondering what the hell am I going to do.

Jonah Pov:

I woke up with a strange feeling in my chest. Like something was missing and something was off. I woke up and looked around and realized that there was a note on the table that read:

Dear Boys,

When you read this I will be already out of town and out of your lives. I know with the tour coming up, it caused a lot of stress but I can't take the fact that you guys are leaving me out on stuff. And your ignorance towards me, hurt a lot. I don't understand why you guys are doing this to me nor do I care anymore. If you didn't want me you could of talked to me instead you guys just ignored me and that shit hurts. Listen, just don't come looking for me I will be fine and I will see you when the tour starts but for now, I just need some peace. You know it hurts to see your loving boyfriends ignore you and completely leave you out on stuff, It freaking hurts.

Don't Come and Find Me, it not worth it.

Yours Truly,


At the end of the note I was in tears, How can we do this to our Zachy to my...no our baby boy? I didn't even notice that we were ignoring the poor boy, due to stress and all it must have slipped my mind. God, I feel like an idiot! I got out of bed and went to get dressed. After getting dressed I woke up the boys.

"Guys WAKE UP! We have a huge problem on our hands and we are to blame! " I yelled

"Five more mins Jojo," Corbyn said in a sleepy voice

"What is it now Jobear?" Daniel said in a tiredly

"What did we do this time? " Jack said in a raspy voice

"Well, apparently Zach is missing and left sometime last night and ran away and left this note. Guys, how can we be so mean to mean to him? I mean... yeah I guess we're stressed... but to the point of ignoring Zachy........How could we ?! "I said in a dry sob

At this point, the boys woke up wide-eyed and I showed them the note and they looked at me with teary eyes.

"We have to apologize to him," said Daniel

"Yeah, but where could he be?! He could be in Utah all we could know?!" said Jack

"Guys let's not panic or think that way," I said " He couldn't go that far and besides, you all are forgetting that I made sure Zach has his location on, we can find him if he took his phone with him then were good"

Third Pov:

The boys got ready and quickly went into Daniels's car and went driving around L.A. for the youngest. Praying and hoping that he was okay and did not travel far. Jonah thankfully was able to get a hold of Zach's location and directed Daniel where to drive, but little they know that Zach had other plans.

Zach's POV:

I woke up a few hours ago and while still in a daze of sleepiness and completely forgot how I got here. Heck, I have no idea what town I'm in. I got up from the bed and look at my window to see if I could spot any sign that gave me a hint of where I was. Luckily, I saw the sign of the motel and it read; Redwood Motel in Long Beach, CA.

I then went to check my phone and saw 25 miss calls from Jonah, 30 Missed text from Corbyn, 15 calls from Daniel, and finally over 120 calls and texts from Jack. I then put my phone down and walked into the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror, thinking what could happen if I just left the world or just this state and go back home? Could I actually do it? Could I go back home and live a normal life and not a famous one? Am I being too dramatic? Was this a mistake?

I then quickly went out to grab my blade and I look at with temptation burning through me. Just before I was gonna cut I heard a knock at the door. I walked to the door and looked at the peephole and saw that Daniel, Jonah, Corbyn, and Jack were out there. I then turned away, but as I was walking away another knock came along with a pleading voice.

"Zach! Please open up! We know you're in there and we want to apologize. Please open the door" Jack plead with teary eyes

"Zachy, buddy, Please open up. We can't lose you, you mean the world to us and we are idiots for treating you like crap these past few weeks. Please open up baby" Jonah said with a shaky voice

"Go Away! You don't want me nor do you really care! I am not coming back." I said with tears threatening to fall. "You all treated me like I didn't exist and left me out on so much stuff. I hated it"

"Baby, we know and we absolutely regret it. We were so caught up and stressed that we didn't know what we were doing. I swear to god, We would go back in time and fix our mistake if we could. Please open up the door, we miss you so much and were soo worried about you. You made us scared that we weren't going to find you. We Love so much, that losing you would kill us all." Corbyn said sobbing.

Third Pov:

At this point, Zach was crying so much that he was frozen and collapsed on the floor. The boys heard a body hit the floor and all thought the worse has come. Immediately Jonah started to pound on the door and Daniel ran to the get keys from the front desk and jack called 911. Corbyn and Jonah both then broke open the door and ran inside and saw that Zach was on the floor. Jonah turns over Zach to listen for a heartbeat aaaaaaaannnnnnnnndddd....

Thankfully, there was a heartbeat still strong. Jonah brought the boy into his arms and hugged him, Corbyn sat next to jonah and comforted him, while jack cried into daniel's arms. The paramedics came and took Zach away and the boys immediately followed the truck in the car since they were not allowed to ride with Zach.

*Few hours later*

Zach woke up to the boys all waiting beside him and was confused on what happened. Jack was the first to notice Zach awake and woke up the rest of the boys. Zach then sobbed and broke down explaining what was going and the boys cried and apologized to her younger lover for their actions. The doctor then came in and told the boys that Zach can leave after some tests which will only take about 20 mins.

After coming home from the hospital. The boys all cuddled in bed with Zach being in the middle and Zach could be anymore happier to back with his boyfriends safe and sound.


Holy Cow that one was long but well worth it. Again, I like to apologize for not updating yesterday, There was so much fixing to do with this story and I wanted to make sure it looked good before posting it. But, I hoped you like this one and I will see you next week for the next Story.

Take Care


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