Just a Fan

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Just a Fan

Ships: Zach x Jack (slightly)

Summary: Zach Herron is a 16-year-old boy who is a huge fan of Why Don't We; He absolutely loves their music. One day Zach's Mom surprises him with a Limelight bundle for their Arena Concert in Dallas, TX.

AU- Zach isn't Famous and is 16, the rest of the boys are their current ages as of now and have the Album and book out.

Warnings: none


--I don't really want no trust fund baby

I like my women independent (hey!)

And I say to people, "That's my lady" (that's my lady, na-na-na-na-na)

And we don't need nothing e-e-e-else

I don't want no

I don't want no trust fund baby (no, I don't want me)

I just want me a proper lady (no, I don't want me)

I don't want no trust fund baby (no, I don't want me)

No, I don't want me

"Trust Fund Baby By Why Don't We folks! Next XM23.5 on the latest hit here's Happier by Marshmallow and Bastille" the radio spoke out  

I sighed, I love Why Don't We so much. They mean the world to me and so what they take up half of my social life, I'm not complaining.

My name is Zachary Dean Herron, I prefer Zach though, I'm 16 years old and live in Dallas. I have two siblings, a brother named Ryan and sister names Recce. I love music and soccer, and if you haven't notice. I love Why Don't We.

I got up from my bed and turned off my radio, It was a sunny day in Dallas and thank god it was Saturday. I went downstairs and saw that the family was eating breakfast. I got something to eat and then went back to my room and started to watch a bunch of Why Don't We funny moments on YouTube and laughing along. I wish I could meet them.

*Time Skip: Monday Morning: 6:30 am*

I woke up with my alarm clock blaring at me. I then hit the snooze butter and rolled out of bed. Even though I hate school, I have to get up or my parents will be mad at me. I got up and got changed into a black sweatshirt and black skinny jeans and threw on a pair of slip-on checkered vans. I fixed my hair and headed downstairs to grab something to eat. After eating, I headed out to the bus stop.

*Time Skip*

I arrived at school and immediately walk straight to my lockers, but on the way there I got shoved into the wall by my bully, Steven. He has been bullying me since the start of high school.

"Hey, slut! Where you think you're going?, It Monday, double beating," he said with a smirk. He then produced to punch me in the stomach and I fell to the ground in pain. He then kicked me 3 more times and spat at me

"Worthless Fag"

He then left me and I slowly got up wincing in pain and my stomach hurt. I then proceeded to my locker and got my stuff out for my first class, which was History with Mr. Eben. I walked into the classroom and sat down just as the bell rang.

"Okay Class, Today we're learning about Hamilton...."

I drowned out on what the teacher was saying because I honestly couldn't focus. I kept daydreaming about meeting Why Don't We, only then to have book slam down on my dest pulling me out of my trance and I looked over to my best friend pulling me out of my trance.

Why Don't We: Zach Herron Centric One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now