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Summary: Things take a turn and Zach wants everyone happy again.

Ships: Zach x boys bromance centric

*Edited: 5/7/20 grammar and spelling*


"You know WHAT! We QUIT!

"No, we Quit! I hate you guys!"

"The feelings mutual!"

2 pairs of feet stomped upstairs and one door slammed and a car engine was then started.

Zach looked at the stairs and then at the door. What is going to happen now?

*Hours earlier*

"Guys lets go! We got to go to the studio today!" Shouted Jonah

"Coming," said Corbyn

"Jack where is my guitar?" Daniel shouted

"Its next to your bed right?" said Jack

"I'm coming," said Zach

"Oh wait, Zach, you actually don't have to come. You got all of your recordings done early. Which is strangely nice and weird at the same time and we want you to relax, we decide to write the beat for this song and you have a big roll in it and we wanted to make sure you have enough rest." Jonah said in a motherly tone

"Oh really?!? Cool, I'm going back to sleep then"

"Okay, Daniel, Corbyn, and Jack! Are you guys ready?" yelled Jonah

"Were coming!" three boys shouted and all three boys came down and headed out to the car

"We will be back soon in time for lunch and pick you up" said Jonah

"Okay cool," Zach said

*At the Studio*

"I'm sure it would sound better if used this beat," Daniel said and showed them the new beat of the song

"Well, that sounds good, but what about this," said Jonah and played a different beat

"Ooo, I like it," said Corbyn

"Ehhhh.....I like Daniels. It has a more upbeat vibe and the layout is cooler" said Jack

"Well, Corbyn and I think that this beat is better"

"Well, Jack and I think that MY beat is better"

"Just because we have different opinions, you don't get to act like a bitch"

"Umm, excuse me! How in the fucking world am I being a bitch? If anything you're just upset that this song isn't going your way if you had a problem with that you should have just stayed at home.

"Well, I didn't come here and get harassed, I came here to work. And apparently Mr. I think I'm better than all of you, needs to be reminded that this a band. Other people have different ideas" Corbyn spat

"You know what Corbyn, I'm tired of you shutting down my ideas"

"Guys, Stop! This is ridiculous! Both of you!"

"Jonah shut up, Daniel is right, Corbyn seems to always want things to go his way," Jack said bitterly

"Fuck you, Jackson. You always side with Daniel and never think to compromise"

"Uhm, you LITERALLY told Daniel that Corbyn beat was better! And your telling me to compromise? Hell to the NO, bitch" sassed Jack

"You know what shut the hell up!" Corbyn yelled

Why Don't We: Zach Herron Centric One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now