Big Brothers to the Rescue

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Big Brothers to the Rescue

Zach x All boys: Bromance

Summary: The boys defend their brother.

*Edited: 5/7/20 grammar and spelling*


It was no secret the boys all loved each other like brothers. They spent every day together and had each other's backs. They were supportive of each other and if one were to go through a heartbreak or is just sad, the others will be by their side. They were a band, best friends, and brothers from another mother. They all had the same dream, which was to perform to millions of fans around the world, make music they love, and learn along the way.

But to say the least, they were very protective over each other, especially over Zach. Zach is the youngest member and sometimes they get very protective over their little brother. Zach loves the attention, love, and care they give him, but sometimes it gets annoying.

Zach's Pov:

Today, I was woken up by Jack and was told to get ready for an interview. I got up and changed and went to the bathroom to freshen up. After getting ready I headed down started to see Jonah and Daniel cooking up some eggs, pancakes, hash browns, and bacon. Jack and Corbyn were watching Tv. It was 9:30 am and we had a meeting with our label about our upcoming tour at 11 am. I was still a bit tired so I went to one of the cabinets to grab a glass. Unfortunately, the glasses were on the top shelf, so when I tried to reach it, my fingers brushed against it. Darn it. I went to stretch up and grab it and I use my other hand to grip the shelf.

That's when shelf tilted upward and almost half shelf glasses came crashing down. I covered my head and closed my eyes and CRASH! The glasses all fell around me and I screamed and started to cry.

Daniel and Jonah whipped their heads around a and Jack and Corbyn looked over at the kitchen.

"Oh Zach, baby are you okay?!!!! Daniel grabs the broom, Corbyn grab the first aid kit and jack help me with getting Zach out of the piles of glass" Jonah said in a frantic voice

After getting out of the mess, Daniel cleaned up, Corbyn tended my wounds, and Jack wiped my tears. The boys then let me rest on the couch and cleaned everything up. But, I was still upset that I caused such a mess but, I brushed it off.

*A little while later*

So, we were currently in a meeting from Atlantic Records about our upcoming tour for 8 Letters and I was so tired and bored out of my mind. Don't get me wrong I love touring and meeting fans but the nuts and bolts of the tour like interviewing and scheduling what to do and not to do get quite boring, especially going over it 5 times! Mostly looking at me knowing that I would do something, but I can't help it. I'm a freakin teenager, we do a lot of stupid stuff.

After the meeting, it was 1:00! Wow, we have been in there for two hours. Anyway, the boys and I all decided we go grab lunch. We got into the car with Tyler driving and went to drive somewhere to go eat. After about 5 minutes of arguing about whether we went to go to In-N-Out or Chipotle, we decided to go to In-N-Out. We got out of the van and went inside to order, after ordering we just sat down and waited for our food. A few minutes later our food was ready and we began to eat. While eating the guys and I were just talking about random stuff until I noticed a group of girls in the place and they were looking at us or towards us at least but I ignored it.

When we got done eating, I excused myself to go to the bathroom. After going to the bathroom and washing my hands, I came out and I passed the girls that were staring at us in the beginning but this one of them stopped me.

"Omg! Your Zach Herron, right? That kid in the band Why Don't We, right?!" the girl with blondish-brown hair said

"Yeah, I am, why you ask? " I said nicely.

"Well, listen here, You are absolutely piece of trash you know that right? Nobody likes you and your voice just sounds awful, you ruin the other boy's voices when you sing. You just a little cry baby who happens to get lucky in this band. Do you really think the boys really care for you? They might be annoyed that they have a little teenager hanging out with them. Do us a favor and just leave the band, nobody wants you in the band and nobody cares." she said

At this point I was hurt and in shock that she said this, Do they really hate me? Am I not worth it being in the band? I was about to say something until one of her friends pour her drink on me and pushed me, due to the drink being dumped on the floor was slippery and I fell on my butt.

They were laughing at me.

I was about to get up until another one of her friends kicked me. And it freaking hurt a lot! I was wiping my face and got up carefully. I was then immediately pulled up from the floor by someone and I saw it was Daniel.

"Hey! You have no right to do that to Zach" yelled Jack and I saw the other guys around me, they were fuming.

"Well, "Zach" is useless to be part of your band, besides his voice blocks out your beautiful voices," the blondish-brown haired girl said in sweet sicking voice.

"Well, That doesn't mean you have to be rude to him and harass him" Corbyn started with anger

"We did not, he tripped near our table and the drink fell on him, it's his fault that he's such a klutz," her friend said with an eye roll

"No it not, we saw everything and you are not fans, fans don't do this, in fact, no one should do this to anyone regardless! Everyone should be treated with respect no matter what. Your actions are disappointing" Jonah said

"Whatever the brat deserved it. Let's go, girls" said the girl with blondish-brown hair

And the girls then walked out of the restaurant. The guys were in disgust from their actions and turned to me in Dani's arms and their anger fading away and being replaced with concern.

"Let's go home," said Jack and we walked out to the car and hopped in and drove home.

*At home*

The boys and i got out of the car and I ran inside quickly and went to my room. I stripped off my sticky clothes and took a shower. After the shower, I changed into some black joggers and my red hoodie. I then went downstairs and saw that the boys were watching Big Hero 6 and I joined them. I sat on the couch and lean against Jonah, who pulled me in close. I barely paid attention to the movie and Jack noticed and asked

" Hey Z, what's going on? Are you okay?"

"Somewhat, I'm just thinking, is it true? Am I a useless brat who got lucky being in this band?" I said in a whisper

" Zach, you absolutely deserve to be in this band. You have such a talented voice that makes Why Don't We what it is. Without it, it's not the same." said Dani and at this point, Corbyn paused the movie.

"What those girls said is not true at all your little brother and we love you to death, that's why were protective over you. We love you so much were scared that something will happen to you and besides its a natural instinct we all have. It's just how we are." said Corbyn

"You all really mean that?" I asked


"Of course we do"

"Uh duh"

"Your our little brother from another mother and it's our job as your "older" brothers from another mother(s) to protect you no matter what," said Jack

I smiled and we all did a group hug and then continued with the movie. Being the youngest wasn't so bad now.


Okay! Another one-shot updated! YAYYYYYY!

I'm sorry that I wasn't able to upload on Thursday, schools hitting me hard and AP Lit is tougher than they say,

I will try to update sometime next week, I don't know if I can, but I can try.

Anyway Peace out


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